Absolute Path(绝对路径): 指定一个文件或目录和/目录的关系 由一个斜线开始 如:/export/home/teacher/zhangsw/dir1/test.txt Relative Path(相当路径): 指定一个文件或目录和当前工作目录的关系 不以一个斜线开始 如:~/dir1/test.txt 9,命令行语法: Command [oprion(s)] [argument[s]] 命令名 选项 参...
Shell 是一个程序,提供一个与用户对话的环境。这个环境只有一个命令提示符,让用户从键盘输入命令,所以又称为命令行环境(command line interface ,简写为CLI )。Shell 接收到用户输入的命令,将命令送入操作系统执行,并将结果返回给用户。 ...
基本命令: Command[option(s)] [argument(s)] ==>命令 [选项] [参数] 参数前面有‘-’,参数不带符号 命令长:256 个字节 注意区分大小写 Login:登陆 exit:退出,或者用 ctrl+d clear:清屏 pwd:显示当前所在的目录 id:显示用户相关信息,显示用户名和用户 id cd:改变当前目录 ls:显示某个目录下的子目录和...
Absolute Path(绝对路径): 指定一个文件或目录和/目录的关系 由一个斜线开始 如:/export/home/teacher/zhangsw/dir1/ Relative Path(相当路径): 指定一个文件或目录和当前工作目录的关系 不以一个斜线开始 如:~/dir1/ 9,命令行语法: Command [oprion(s)] [argument[s]] ...
Let us consider an absolute path "/export/home/guru/prog/perl". $ x="/export/home/guru/prog/perl" The requirement is to remove the 4th component of the absolute path so that it becomes "/export/home/prog/perl". 1. cut command: $ echo $x | cut -d"/" -f -3,5- /export/hom...
PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH; export PATH 2.1 which Syntax: which command which为bash/tcsh内带命令 [hbwork@toshiba]$ which which which: shell built-in command. 2.2 where(tcsh) Syntax: where command 2.3 locate (LINUX) Syntax: locate filename 相关命令: updatedb更改locate文件名数据库 3. 查看...
Example - Use the cd command to change to an absolute directory location In this example we will use the shell cd command to change to a directory using an absolute directory path. To begin, we will assume we are currently located in the/home/example/picturesdirectory and will be changing ...
to print the files XYZ and xyz is lp XYZ, xyz print XYZ and xyz P xyz, XYZ lp XYZ xyz lp -2 XYZ The command to check the status of your print job is lpstat printers lpstat jobs lpstat lp status status printers Which one of the following pathnames is considered an absolute pathname...
chmod -R a-s <absolute path>/<install_dir_parent> where<install_dir_parent>is the directory in which/<install_dir>is created. For example, to specify AIX_1/applications/test1/<my_install>as your installation directory, run the command from theAIX_1/applicationsdirectory (directly above the...