Czerniawska O.: Uniwersytet Trzeciego Wieku, 30 lat dzia- łania. Przemiany, dylematy i oczekiwania w epoce ponowoczesnej. [W:] Stopińska-Pająk (red.), Edukacja wo- bec starości - tradycja i wspołczesność. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, Katowice, 2009, 97-113....
Aktywno fizyczna i turystyczna wród uczestników Uniwersytetów Trzeciego Wieku na przykadzie Krakowa 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 7 作者: A Dubińska 摘要: The article presents the issues of physical and tourist activity among the elderly.The aim of the study is to draw attention to ...
UNIWERSYTET TRZECIEGO WIEKU JAKO INSTYTUCJA REALIZUJĄCA IDEĘ EDUKACJI OSÓB STARSZYCHScience dealing with the education of the elderly is geragogics, which studies pedagogical determinants and the effects of aging. Scientific reflection of geragogues could lead to the development of effective ...
In October 2007 the Third Age University attached to the University of Silesia was an organizer of an all - Poland conference "To study to be".Helena Hrapkiewicz
Uniwersytety trzeciego wieku elementem wielowymiarowego aspektu staroci z perspektywy pokolenia 60+Old age is frequently associated with decreased physical fitness, illnesses, loneliness, etc. For older people the "autumn of their lives" is very often a difficult period. However, contemporary seniors...
The article aims at describing the relationship between the educational activity of the elderly and a more optimal way of experiencing their aging. That link can be justified by a higher measure of the overall level of satisfaction with their lives. The purpose of the study described ...
Their dynamic development in Poland and the positive changes they bring both for senior citizens themselves and local communities overshadow the problems they face in their daily activities.Palma, AgnieszkaActa Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica...
Uniwersytety trzeciego wieku jako miejsce uczenia się przez całe życieIt is more and more frequently believed that senility is time of great possibilities, reflection over completeness of life, as well as it is a chance for further development, learning and experiencing the world. During ...