sustainability Article Contributing to Sustainability Education of East Asian University Students through a Field Trip Experience: A Social-Ecological Perspective Tae Kyung Yoon 1, Seongjun Kim 2, Takako Takano 3, Sun-Jin Yun 4 and Yowhan Son 2,5,* 1 Environmental Planning Institute, Seoul ...
STEM imaging showed the formation of short O-O distances, confirming that the excess capacity is due to participation of both cationic and anionic sublattices (Figure 1). HAADF-STEM imaging can be used to analyse the migration of the transition metal cations into the Li positions upon cycling,...
Educ. Sci. 2020, 10, 350 3 of 19 The major benefits arising from this approach are: (a) Students feel it to be an entertaining activity. (b) It makes them actively participate in the learning process. (c) It is a shared experience (everyone responds at the same time). (d) ...