兰实大学为哲学、政治学与经济学,国际贸易,旅游旅馆管理,经济学等学科领域提供以英语为教学媒介的本科国际课程。目前正在研拟开设更多本科和硕士、博士专业国际课程。兰实大学也是海外研习大学联盟 (University Studies Abroad Consortium, USAC) 会员。该组织由全球超过400 所大学组成,兰实大学被选为USAC 亚洲地区代表。
兰实大学也是海外研习大学联盟 (University Studies Abroad Consortium, USAC) 会员。该组织由全球超过400所大学组成,兰实大学被选为USAC亚洲地区代表。 兰实大学各院系与学士专业设置情况 院系名称,本科学士专业学系 医学院(College of Medicine) 药学院(College of Pharmacy) 制药科学系、药学监护系 理学院(Facult...
University Studies Abroad Consortium University Study Management System University Sub-Aqua Club University Support Personnel System University Support Services University Surplus Property Association University Swim Club University Symphonic Wind Ensemble
从维基百科英文版看到比较符合要求的是Utah State Agricultural College, now known as Utah State University。美国尤他州立农业大学,现为尤他州立大学。满意,请采纳
study abroadKIIS university consortiumgeography faculty membersThe Kentucky Institute for International Studies is a consortium of colleges and universities that provides semester length and short summer semester over-seas study programs. This article traces the growth of the consortium from its ro-ots ...
University Consortium for Liberia The University Consortium for Liberia (UCL) provides student scholarships, faculty and student exchanges, study abroad experiences, and service learning opportunities between Liberia and partner member organizations around the world!
Wed 4/24 6-7pm CST — RU Students Explore the “Democracy of Place”:Join RU students as they engage other students from across the US in an online discussion about the present and future state of democracy. Led by students of theResilience Studies Consortium, this interactive conversation wi...
(17), 1804. At the head of each university was a council of professors, which elected the rector, named professors to chairs, determined the course of studies, and acted as the academic council and university court of highest instance. Each university was the center of a school district (...
1) University Studies Abroad Consortium(USAC) 大学国外研究同盟(USAC) 2) A Study on the Progress Alliance of Russia 俄国进步同盟研究 3) AEARU 东亚研究型大学联盟 4) Western linguistics studies 国外语言学研究 1. Looking back at the development ofWestern linguistics studiesamong Chinese foreign langua...