Explore Canada’s best universities 2025, ranked by Times Higher Education’s trusted data. Compare top schools and make informed study decisions today.
特伦特大学(Trent University)(又译:川特大学)正式建校于1964年,并于1968年被吸收为加拿大大学联盟的一员。特伦特大学是加拿大最顶尖的32所大学之一,拥有约8500名全日制学生,拥有高质量的工商管理学,经济学,数学,环境学,生物学,人类学,自然科学、社会科学、国际发展研究、计算机科学等课程,其中以法医学,...
315 Pigiarvik, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Address Modified on November 15, 2024 Next Carleton University WebLinks™ Website Application Programs Events Virtual Tour Scholarships International Student Services Office International Admissions Viewbook Book a 1:1 Appointment Life in...
Read more about how we rank schools. University of Toronto Rankings #17in Best Global Universities #1in Best Global Universities in Canada University of Toronto Subject Rankings #139in Agricultural Sciences (tie) #67in Artificial Intelligence (tie) #5in Arts and Humanities #16in Biology and ...
圣玛丽大学(Saint Mary's University),简称“SMU”,创建于1802年,是加拿大第一所罗马天主教公立综合类大学,坐落于加拿大哈利法克斯市南端,其商科和化学专业最为出名。圣玛丽大学名列2025年麦克林杂志加拿大基础类大学排名 第3位 。学校是国际大学协会(IAU)、英联邦大学协会(ACU)、北极大学合作联盟(UArctic)...
inInfectious Diseases Infectious Diseases overall score 40.0 Infectious Diseases publications #95 Infectious Diseases conferences #35 Infectious Diseases normalized citation impact #157 Infectious Diseases total citations #120 Infectious Diseases number of publications that are among the 10% most cited ...
Queen's ranked 5th amongmedical-doctoral universities in Canada in Maclean's 2021 UniversityRankings; and 3rd overall for student satisfaction, 2nd inexperiential learning, 1st in extracurricular activities. 在麦克莱恩的2021年大学排名中,女王大学在加拿...
Graduates from Harvard tend to earn more money post-graduation than other US college grads. Harvard is #4 on PayScale.com's list of the top schools by mid-career graduate salaries.Read more Upvote4Downvote China Daily USAMarch 31, 2011 ...
inInfectious Diseases(tie) Infectious Diseases overall score 26.1 Infectious Diseases publications #145 Infectious Diseases conferences #35 Infectious Diseases normalized citation impact #212 Infectious Diseases total citations #190 Infectious Diseases number of publications that are among the 10% most cited...