They have asked local management (who have adopted a position of urging the UK managment team in UCEA to return to the negotiating table) to further re-consider their position and implement a local uplift to pay scales, plus set a date for urgent talks on workload and casualisation, the ...
Denovan A, Macaskill A (2017) Stress and subjective well-being among first year UK undergraduate students. J Happiness Stud 18:505–525. Article Google Scholar Duong CD (2021) The impact of fear and anxiety of Covid-19 on life satisfaction: ps...
Parker SK, Bindl UK, Strauss K. Making things happen: a model of proactive motivation. J Manag. 2010;36(4):827–56. Google Scholar Wang Y, Liu J, Zhu Y. Humble leadership, psychological safety, knowledge sharing, and follower creativity: a cross-level investigation. Front Psychol. 2018...
McGraw-Hill Education, UK Ajzen I (2020) The theory of planned behavior: frequently asked questions. Hum Behav Emerg Technol 2(4):314–324 Article Google Scholar Alferaih A (2022) Starting a new business? Assessing University Students’ Intentions towards digital entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia...
Denovan A, Macaskill A (2017) Stress and subjective well-being among first year UK undergraduate students. J Happiness Stud 18:505–525. Article Google Scholar Duong CD (2021) The impact of fear and anxiety of Covid-19 on life satisfaction: ps...
We’d also have a similar number of deaths if Australia’s per-capita death rate had been the same as in Italy, Spain, UK, or USA (remembering these other countries have had various lockdowns too). So restrictions in Australia have seemingly been effective, and compared to some other ...
Universities are increasingly recognised as institutions where health and wellbeing can be promoted to maximise academic outcomes, career transitions, and lifelong positive health behaviours. There is concern about the mental health of university student
Studies developed by the Health and Safety Executive of the UK over the last decades indicate that work-related stress is increasing in higher education institutions, with serious implications for workers’ health and wellbeing (Kinman, 2014; Kinman & Wray, 2014). Teacher burnout has been studied...
University policy setting and implementation has the potential to significantly affect the quality and delivery of teaching and learning by effecting acade
It is worthwhile noting that our research differentiates from the benchmark study of D’Este and Perkmann (2011) in two different ways. First, while the scope of their research is circumscribed to one single country (United Kingdom–UK), our analysis is based on a sample gathered from two...