4)写作样本(Writing sample)这一项不是必须的,只是你在申请少数专业的时候可能会要求的。比如History...
当时我拿到的Offer包括哥伦比亚大学、卡耐基梅隆和杜克大学等等,最后选择了杜克大学是因为我很喜欢这个项目。我就读的项目叫做Master of Engineering Management,是一个给工科生准备的商科项目,只招收工程背景的学生,然后上的课程都是项目管理、竞争战略等类似MBA的课程,对于想转化方向的国内的工科学生来说是一个非常好的选...
-2.28 收到正式offer Part2:面试TIPS 1 熟练专业词汇 一定要熟悉自己动机信和Writing Sample里的观点,以及在说明这些观点的时候可能会用到的专有名词和人名,如果觉得表达繁琐和拗口,要提早更换成更加简洁通顺的表达,以确保在被问到的时候可以准确说出。我和我另外一个英硕的朋友都被问道“favorite art history book...
Letter of recommendation Statement of purpose. A writing sample. Request financial aid: If you need financial aid to attend Yale University, you must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You can also apply for Princeton's financial aid programs. Pay the application fee ...
Just as the sample of moon dust collected from the lunar surface by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin was studied at UOB - to know the chances of life, let us explore the various scholarships available that could improve your chances of securing admission: ...
A sample of the test paper and the syllabus in connection with Biology test is available on the departmental website. The closing date for receipt of applications from applicants in terms of the 'maturity (adult learners) clause' (those who will be sitting for the exam and/or interview) is...
Sample questions interviewers for university jobs in China may likely pose to you include your teaching philosophy, your approach to handling a classroom and your approach to handling students from different cultures. You must be ready to talk in detail about lessons that you’ve taught, and it ...
With 1-2 academic writing sample(s) of your master's thesis and/or published text Optional: With a letter of reference Via our job portal/ Apply now - button If you have any questions, please contact: Mag.Marie-Therese Hartwig, BTh ...
trademark protection in Chinese universities, and this is the first systematic analysis of the trademarks of such a large number of universities. These universities represent the first echelon of China’s higher education and enjoy high popularity, so the selected sample is typical and representative....
语言成绩,这个只能靠自己努力了;而有的学校和项目需要writing sample(每个项目叫法不同,但基本都算是WS),主要检查同学们的英语写作水平以及思维的逻辑性,很体现个人水平的一项材料。 就读感受 在华威上学期间,给我的主要感受就是,忙。课程不多,一学期三门课,整个硕士期间是六门课外加一篇毕业论文。 因为我的专业...