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L学长在威斯康星大学 (University of Wisconsin)的故事 你就读于哪个专业? L:工程专业 engineering undeclared 你所在的学校环境如何?所在地气候如何? L:环境真的挺好的,被小山包靠湖,而且学校还有一个私家小岛,就是太太太太太冷了,有一天早上赶时间没有把头发吹干,然后出去走了不到五分钟就被冻住了,冻住了。 大...
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(key, security card, etc.). alcohol is permitted for students of legal age at university of wisconsin--oshkosh. my fit score my fit custom college ranking does this school fit your college needs? receive a personalized ranking provided by u.s. news college compass and find out. try it ...
University of Wisconsin Madison 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校,成立于1848年,位于威斯康星州麦迪逊,是一所公立研究型大学,美国大学协会及十大联盟的创始成员。2021 US News全美综合大学排名第42,凭借强大的商业和工程专业,以及作为美国顶尖州立旗舰大学之一的声誉,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校是《财富500强》中产生最多CEO的公立大学之一...
Postal card pictures University of WisconsinLARRY FINLEY
View Full Report Card editorial Wisconsin is a highly rated public university located in Madison, Wisconsin. It is a large institution with an enrollment of 33,838 undergraduate students. Admissions is fairly competitive as the Wisconsin acceptance rate is 49%. Popular majors include Information Sci...
The academic medical center and health system for the University of Wisconsin based out of Madison, WI. Remarkable medicine. Remarkable care.
The academic medical center and health system for the University of Wisconsin based out of Madison, WI. Remarkable medicine. Remarkable care.
aAaron graduated the University of Wisconsin - Stout with a degree in Applied Science with a nanoscience concentration. His is currently enrolled in the Materials Science and Engineering graduate program, with his research focusing on superparamagnetic nanoparticles used in hyperthermia treatments for vario...