万众聚集的商业中心。这里有Sydney Water,德勤,Commonwealth Bank总部所在地等等。诸多政府主要职能部门所在...
澳大利亚西悉尼大学(University of Western Sydney ),简称WSU,位于澳大利亚的新南威尔士州。成立于1989年,在全世界所有大学中,西悉尼大学属于最优秀的3%之列;在以科研为先导、以学生为中心的教学方式方面国际声望不断增长。
澳大利亚西悉尼大学(University of Western Sydney ),简称WSU,位于澳大利亚的新南威尔士州。成立于1989...
硕士毕业典礼前与Western Sydney University标志合影留念 西悉尼大学有很多校区,这是我就读的翻译专业的Ban...
Western Sydney University Bankstown campus, Milperra Australia Request More DetailsShortlist #384QS World University Rankings 449Undergraduate programs 126Postgraduate programs 5QS stars Western Sydney University is a world-class university with a growing international reach and reputation for academic excellen...
所属地区:University of Western Sydney Locked Bag 1797 Penrith South DC NSW 1797 Austrilian 西悉尼大学是澳大利亚几所较大的的公立大学之一,位于澳大利亚东岸新悉尼市,在全悉尼总共有Bankstown campus、Blacktown campus、Campbelltown campus、Hawkesbury campus、Parramatta campus、Penrith campus等7个校区。大学共有370...
The 30th Annual Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference (EPC) was hosted by MARCS Auditory Laboratories and the School of Psychology at the Bankstown campus of the University of Western Sydney. The scientific program comprised 131 papers including five specialist symposia (summarised below) and a...
unfamiliar with your campus location. If you are after a reliable place to stay, consider one of our Western Sydney University Villages. Our accommodation options allow you to stay on campus, meaning you can balance your time more easily between social events and working on assignments in the ...
unfamiliar with your campus location. If you are after a reliable place to stay, consider one of our Western Sydney University Villages. Our accommodation options allow you to stay on campus, meaning you can balance your time more easily between social events and working on assignments in the ...
About the Western Sydney University As the name suggests, Western Sydney University – WSU is based in the Emerald City – Sydney. But don’t think it is limited to just one campus in Sydney. Since its establishment in 1989, starting with UWS Hawkesbury and UWS Nepean, the university has ...