The primary outcome was a cross-sectional audit of antipsychotic prescribing taken from medication charts. The secondary outcome was a self-report questionnaire, designed to assess a change in beliefs about polypharmacy.The objective of this paper is to highlight some of the problems that were ...
Mattick, Karen,Dr University of Exeter - Medical School Broad research specialismsKaren’s research explores the experiences of medical students and junior doctors, especially during the transition to clinical practice, and particularly in relation to prescribing antibiotics. This has involved a wide ra...
Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) University of the West of Scotland, School of Science Thesis Title: ‘Clinical and Health Implications of Applied Human Physiology Research: Biochemical, Physiological and Anthropometrical Adaptations’. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Human Physiology University of Glamorgan; ...
There is therefore a need to understand the patterns and extent of insomnia medication use in university student populations, so as to inform support and treatment policy and practice; these include prescribing and OTC sales, which may involve pharmacists and other healthcare professionals. A systemat...