学校名称:City, University of London 中文译名:伦敦大学城市学院 官方网址:http://www.city.ac.uk/ 备注:英国伦敦大学城市学院于2016年9月1日正式加入伦敦大学,英文校名由“City University London”变更为“City, University of London”,中文校名由“城市大学”变更为“伦敦大学城市学院”。 学校名称:Coventry U...
Latest University of West London News Dynapath Triumphs at WTTC’s First-Ever Investors’ Nest Oct 22, 2024 WTTC and Sustainable Hospitality Challenge Celebrate Groundbreaking Innovation Source: WTTC Perth, Western Australia - The World Travel & Tourism Council ( WTTC ) today announced Nguyen Thao Va...
The University of West London has been awarded the prize of best modern university in London for student satisfaction following the results of the National Student Survey. Read more Student NewsExeter offer fully funded PhD Studentships for study in the UK 22 August 2017 The University of Exete...
Uni of West London 346 courses Visit website Middlesex Uni 363 courses Visit website Uni of Bedfordshire 394 courses Visit website Uni of East London 247 courses Visit website Uni of Reading 443 courses Visit website Uni of Kent 317 courses Visit website Coventry Uni 458 courses Vis...
伦敦政治经济学院是世界上最早的社科类大学之一,专业讲授各类社科类学科,包括经济学、政治学、社会学、法律以及人类学。 该校由费边社成员韦伯夫妇、格雷厄姆·华莱斯和萧伯纳于19世纪晚期建立,旨在“通过研究贫困问题和分析不平等问题”来改良社会。 哲学家伯特兰·罗素分别于1895-96年和1937-38年在该校任教,帮助定义该...
在上海交大世界大学学术排名(Academic Ranking of World Universities ARWU)的名单里,特拉华大学排全美大学第63名,世界大学排名201位。 同排名的美国院校有佐治亚大学(US.News 48)、东北大学(US.News 49)、佛罗里达州立大学(US.News 55)、康涅狄格大学(US.News ...
London, city, seat of Middlesex county, southeastern Ontario, Canada. It lies at the forks of the Thames River, midway between Lakes Ontario (east) and St. Clair (west) and Lakes Huron (north) and Erie (south). Its name and site were chosen in 1792 for the location of a capital of...
Mitch Daniels School of Business (Purdue) West Lafayette (IN), United States Shortlist Compare Indicators More Info NEW Value for Money 97.1 Thought Leadership 60.6 Alumni Outcomes 70.6 Diversity 50.3 Employability 53.5 Rank 28 Overall Score: 65.4 Michigan State (Eli Broad) East La...
西英格兰大学(University of the West of England; UWE),简称西英大学,位于英格兰西南部第一大城市布里斯托市,是一所现代化且极具活力的英国高校,也是英国大学联盟成员之一。学校历史可以追溯到1595年,历来有重视专业教育与培训的传统,并因主打以实践为导向的课程而著称。西英现有三个主要校区:法兰查校区Frenchay...