我将于2024年7月入职滑铁卢大学计算机学院(David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo)担任助理教授,在这之前,我将访问麻省理工学院Roger Levy教授的计算心理语言学实验室(Computational Psycholinguistics Laboratory at MIT). 我期望于今年之前在Karen Livescu和Kevin Gimpel两位教授的指导下...
I study the secret life of software: the technologies we use every day but often take for granted, and the people who make these technologies possible. Most of the time I study games and play. I'm particularly interested in the shifting production models of the global game industry, and tr...
滑铁卢大学 Master of Applied Science & Master of Engineering 西安大略大学Master of Engineering 阿尔伯...
On November 21st, at 6pm, UWaterloo PhD alumna Dr. Jessica Van De Kemp, will be co-hosting (with the UWaterloo Women’s Centre) an open-mike night for undergraduates. Whether you want to perform your own poetry, music, or writing, or present your favorite poem or song, this is the ...
In 2017, the University of Waterloo called the PhD job shadow program to help PhDs explore their career options beyond a tenured faculty position (终身教职). The program allowed the PhDs trying non-faculty jobs (non-faculty positions in the university) to work in departments such as graduate...
前面第一个月都是135的复习,后面讲的Totient function, group of units, quadratic residue, ...
DIn 2017, the University of Waterloo created the PhD job shadow program to help PhDs explore their career options beyond a tenured(终身) faculty position(终身职位). PhD program achieved this by having PhD students shadow non-faculty(非教职) staff at hosts who work in departments such as ...
In 2017, the University of Waterloo created the PhD job shadow program to help PhDs explore their career options beyond a tenure-track faculty position (终身教职). The program achieved this by having PhD students shadow non-facultiv (非教职) staff or hosts who work in departments such as ...