当时选了3个志愿,排序是Waterloo的CS+Finance(量化交易、程序交易、华尔街IT等方向), Universty of ...
Lab和tutorial差不多,要说特色像我上过的csc108,一门computer science的入门课。教授人非常的好,会...
CSC420: Introduction to Image Understanding )清华:大三的课程我没上过,但是大一大二课程的特点是“...
综合排名不高,但是他的数学、计算机、精算专业非常棒!申研究生的话雅思没有7肯定刷 ...
这学期首先是为了AI minor选的两门CSC课程。CSC384名字很霸气,AI入门,很早就有听说过的一门课,但...
当时选了3个志愿,排序是Waterloo的CS+Finance(量化交易、程序交易、华尔街IT等方向), Universty of Toronto的ECE (Electronic and Computer Engineering,这个不说了,比doubleE略高一筹,互联网创业主流高端技术人才),还有就是UT的Commerce。全部都拿到offer之后,我选择了奖学金最多的Waterloo,开学办好手续准备上课的时候...
CS 485/685 Machine Learning, Shai Ben-David, University of Waterloo STAT 441/841 Classification Winter 2017 , Waterloo 10-605 - Machine Learning with Large Datasets, Fall 2016 - CMU Information Theory, Pattern Recognition, and Neural Networks - University of Cambridge Python and machine learning ...
CS 452 Real-Time Programming University of Waterloo Write a real-time OS microkernel in C, and application code to operate a model train set in response to real-time sensor information. The communication with the train set runs at 2400 baud so it takes about 61 milliseconds to ask all of...
CSE 592 Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Winter 2003 - University of Washington CS322 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Winter 2012-13 - UBC(YouTube) CS 4804: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Fall 2016 CS 5804: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Spring 2015 ...