. Its 2024 tuition & fees is $12,643 for Washington residents and $41,997 for out-of-state students.
https://www.washington.edu/ 虚拟访校链接: https://admit.washington.edu/campus-video-tours/ Overview院校概况 华盛顿大学-西雅图(University of Washington)创建于1861年,位于美国西雅图,是一所世界顶尖的著名大学,公立常春藤之一,是美国十所最顶尖的研究型大学之一。生物,工程,计算机都非常好。2019韦伯麦特里克斯全球...
故事如下。 作为一个在西雅图华盛顿大学(University of Washington, Seattle)前后就读了6年,取得本硕学位的人,华盛顿大学给我留下的感受目前只能以极端失望来形容。讽刺的是这种巨大的失望并不是发生在就读期间,而是在毕业之后。就读的6年期间,我对UW的印象很好,鸟语花香,环境优美,人员热情友善,也因此我本科毕业后决定...
University of Washington is a highly rated public university located in Seattle, Washington. It is a large institution with an enrollment of 29,226 undergraduate students. Admissions is fairly competitive as the University of Washington acceptance rate is 48%. Popular majors include Research and Exper...
作为一个在西雅图华盛顿大学(University of Washington, Seattle)前后就读了6年,取得本硕学位的人,华盛顿大学给我留下的感受目前只能以极端失望来形容。讽刺的是这种巨大的失望并不是发生在就读期间,而是在毕业之后。就读的6年期间,我对UW的印象很好,樱花烂漫,环境优美,人员热情友善,也因此我本科毕业后决定留在母校攻...
University of Washington Seattle, WASave + Add a School Quick Stats U.S. News Ranking in #18National Universities (tie) in #46National Universities (tie) My Fit Custom College Ranking User Reviews and Ratings 15 reviews 12 reviews Average Alumni Starting Salary $79,751 $62,979 Setting Urban...
University of Washington Seattle, WASave + Add a School Quick Stats U.S. News Ranking in #196National Universities (tie) in #46National Universities (tie) My Fit Custom College Ranking User Reviews and Ratings 4 reviews 12 reviews Average Alumni Starting Salary $52,131 $62,979 Setting Su...
University of Wisconsin 41. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON – SEATTLE, WASHINGTON The University of Washington is one of the richest universities in the world. It is the flagship institution of Washington’s six public universities. It is one of the highest-ranked public universities in the United Sta...
在西雅图的华盛顿大学(University of Washington, Seattle)的求学经历,本应充满学术的追求与生活的美好,然而,毕业后的挫折与学校的不作为,却让这一切的美好瞬间化为乌有。作为一名在该校前后度过6年时光的学子,对华盛顿大学的印象已彻底颠覆,从满怀期待到极度失望,这种转变实在令人惋惜。华盛顿大学,这...
Address: Seattle WA 98195 Website: http://www.washington.edu/ Introduction The University of Washington educates a diverse student body to become responsible global citizens and future leaders through a challenging learning environment informed by cutting-edge scholarship. Discovery is at the heart of...