作为一个在西雅图华盛顿大学(University of Washington, Seattle)前后就读了6年,取得本硕学位的人,华盛顿大学给我留下的感受目前只能以极端失望来形容。讽刺的是这种巨大的失望并不是发生在就读期间,而是在毕业之后。就读的6年期间,我对UW的印象很好,樱花烂漫,环境优美,人员热情友善,也因此我本科毕业后决定留在母校攻...
University of Washington is a highly rated public university located in Seattle, Washington. It is a large institution with an enrollment of 29,226 undergraduate students. Admissions is fairly competitive as the University of Washington acceptance rate is 48%. Popular majors include Research and Exper...
University of Washington Office of Admissions 1410 NE Campus Parkway — 225 Schmitz Hall Seattle, WA 98195-5852 注意:国际学生不需要提交SAT/ACT成绩。转学申请没有面试环节,也不需要推荐信和作品集。 三、华盛顿大学转学国际学生申请截止日期 点击查看华盛顿大学转学申请Deadline,以下表格仅供参考。
Moureen, a business administration/general MBA student, and Yurino, a business analytics undergraduate, share why Seattle University in Washington is a top choice for international students. Read more Opportunities Begin at Seattle University Top-ranked undergraduate and graduate programs, engaging campus...
航天航空工程不招国际生,波音飞行器设计无望。医药学不招外州学生,走医师无望。 西雅图地区9.5%的消费税。 申请Deadline十二月一号,比常青藤早一个月。 校园内樱花已盛开。三月十五日放录取结果,如果被录取,欢迎来到UW。显示全部 编辑于 2015-03-09 86 条评论 • 作者保留权利 赞同...
University of Washington Education School Overview The College of Education at University of Washington has an application deadline of Jan. 5. The application fee for the education program at University of Washington is $85. Its tuition is full-time: $18,465 per year (in-state); full-time:...
Seattle, WA 98195 #4 in Best Online MBA Programs (tie) Overall Score 93/100 Overview Rankings MBA Add to Compare MBA Program Overview The application deadline for the online MBA programs at University of Washington (Foster), a public school, is July 1. Ninety-nine percent of students ar...
Seattle International Film Festival: Future Wave Shorts Program Seattle Washington May/June annually Deadline : March A presentation of original short films created by youth aged 18 and under. Entries must be no longer than 10 minutes (including end titles).The juried Future Wave award winner rece...
University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA, USA Associate or Full Professor of Radiology - Nuclear Medicine Imaging and Therapy - Clinician-Educator Senior Ranks Location: Philadelphia, PA Open Date: Mar 21, 2024 Deadline: Mar 20, 2026 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time The Department of Radiology at...