而且,所在的华盛顿州拥有良好的生活环境与高度发展的科技产业,吸引了大量高素质的人才,而这些人才也吸引了不少国际知名企业前来投资并设置总部,这些知名企业又为学校提供了教学与科研的实践机会,促进了大学的发展。 华盛顿大学还有个独特的课程——荣誉课程(Honors Program),只对国际大一新生,这课程为国际学生提供了各种...
The University of Washington has 2 essay prompts, plus an optional one and an additional one for Honors College applicants. The first one is a personal statement-style prompt, as UW does not require you to submit the main Common App essay, and the second is about how your communities have ...
网址www.washington.edu/ 机构类别私立 男女同校是 学费$34,791 平均GPA3.76 录取难度非常难 新生入学要求 入学难度 非常难: More than 50% of freshmen were in the top 10% of their high school class and scored over 1230 on the SAT I or over 26 on the ACT; about 60% or fewer of all appli...
laboratory at the University of Washington in the U.S. and announced her plan to conduct a [...] afcr.org.hk 1) 在本次論壇中,曾發現兩個重要基因BRCA1 and BRCA2與乳癌之間關系的世界著名科學家Mary-Claire King教授公布了她在美國華盛頓 大學實驗 室所 取得的最新乳癌研究成果,並宣布了她將...
Both groups placed similar emphasis on the importance of high pay after graduation and on career fulfillment. Diversity: The study found that African American students were only 52% as likely to be in an honors program as they are to be in the larger university sample. Latin American students...
教育理念 华盛顿大学(University of Washington) 大学就读体验 在华盛顿大学 (University of Washington) 就读是怎样一番体验?想去那里念研究生,请详细介绍学校特色(包括优缺点)以及当地的气候、环境、好吃的好玩的,etc. 提示:关于华大的就读体验主要集中在这里: https:…显示全部 ...
Not to be mistaken for Washington State University, Washington University in St. Louis, or George Washington University University of Washington 校训 Lux sit 英语校训 Let there be light 建立于 1861 类型 Public flagship Sea grant Space grant 捐赠 US$1.65 billion 校长 Mark A. Emmert Provost ...
学校网站:washington.edu/ 虚拟访校链接:admit.washington.edu/ca Overview院校概况 华盛顿大学-西雅图(University of Washington)创建于1861年,位于美国西雅图,是一所世界顶尖的著名大学,公立常春藤之一,是美国十所最顶尖的研究型大学之一。生物,工程,计算机都非常好。2019韦伯麦特里克斯全球院校12000强第4,2019路透社世界最...
In our continuing series on the transfer requirements of public honors programs, this post will list the requirements of the University of Delaware, the University of Washington, and the University of Texas at Austin. A previous post discussed the transfer requirements for honors programs at Arizona...