Reports that Washington University's Chemistry Library has been awarded a $15,000 grant by the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation. Purpose of the grant.SpiegelPamEBSCO_AspCollege & Research Libraries News
作为一个在西雅图华盛顿大学(University of Washington, Seattle)前后就读了6年,取得本硕学位的人,华盛顿大学给我留下的感受目前只能以极端失望来形容。讽刺的是这种巨大的失望并不是发生在就读期间,而是在毕业之后。就读的6年期间,我对UW的印象很好,樱花烂漫,环境优美,人员热情友善,也因此我本科毕业后决定留在母校攻...
Physical Chemistry The Khalil group aims to understand the ultrafast structural dynamics of light-driven chemical and biological processes in solution. We study how transient molecular configurations on relevant electronic surfaces and their interactions with the surrounding solvent dictate the course of chem...
We work on elucidating structure and function of spin centers in their diverse roles in both natural and human-designed molecular systems, using Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy as a central tool. Single-electron chemistry Many of the most difficult and complex chemical transformations...
Analytical/Biological/Materials/and Physical Chemistry/Nanotechnology How do biological systems, based on a complex series of coupled biochemical reactions, encode and process information, that is, compute? To approach this question experimentally, research in the Chiu group focuses on the development of...
美国西海岸最古老的大学之一、与藤校齐名的华盛顿大学西雅图分校(University of Washington,Seattle) 华盛顿大学西雅图分校建校于1861,是一所历史悠久华盛顿州公立的研究性大学。学校科系完全,有工学院,商学院,法学院,医学院,护理学院,而且每个都非常好,学生的选择也多。而且华大学术上不保守,在计算机、健康、医疗、商业...
Midterm Exam 1 | Fundamentals of General Microbiology I | MICROM 410 (3) Final Exam with Solutions - Medicinal Chemistry | MEDCH 401 Midterm Examination One with Answers - Precalculus | MATH 120 (1) Practice Exam 1 - International Trade | ECON 471 (2) Calculus 1 Cheat Sheet (1) Chem...
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Is Washington State University the best science school for you? Find out at US News. See if Washington State University is ranked and get info on programs, admission, tuition, and more.
Basic information and contact details for the University of Washington The University of Washington is one of the largest and most prestigious higher education institutions on the west coast of the US. Founded in 1861 as the Territorial University of Washington, the institution expanded with the city...