Find University of Virginia admissions requirements, information and data to help you in your college journey. Learn more about University of Virginia here.
University of Virginia 位置:美国佛吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔 Virginia Charlottesville 排名:综合性大学第25...
What are your chances of getting into Virginia University of Lynchburg? Learn the admissions requirements, including test scores and GPA, and calculate your chances.
University of Virginia 弗吉尼亚大学 Admission, Class Entering Fall 2022 50,926 Completed Applications 9,503 Offers of Admission 4,043 First-year students enrolled 86% of enrolling students had ...
PublicschoolinVirginiawith4,300total undergraduate students Suburban Southeast HBCU On campus housing Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association 1 Hayden Drive, Petersburg, VA 23806 (804) 524-5000 Chancing What are your chances of acceptance?
Graduation Rate Within 150% of Time: 95% Graduation Rate Within 200% of Time: 94% 1st Year Retention: 96% Post Graduation Salary: $65.300How to Apply for the University of Virginia, USA 2023: Application & Acceptance Rate, Cost & Fee, SAT requirementsFAQ Frequently Asked Questions Please ch...
University of Virginia 弗吉尼亚大学宣布,这所历史悠久的学校在创纪录的 4,971 名申请者中,有 1,282 名学生通过提前行动申请被录取——申请者人数比去年增加了 11%。录取率为 25.8%,其中弗吉尼亚州居民录取率为 29.5%,非弗吉尼亚州居民录取率为 21%,这反映了 UVA 对国内申请者的录取优先权。这是该校历史上第...
University Of Virginia Woodson Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship $45,000 University Of Virginia Woodson Institute Predoctoral Fellowship $20,000 Admissions SAT Scores: Math: 650–760, Reading: 660–740 (25th-75th percentile) Your browser does not support charts× ACT Scores: 29–33 (25th-75th...
弗吉尼亚联邦大学(Virginia Commonwealth University,简称VCU)位于弗吉尼亚首府里士满,是一所大型公立大学,成立于1838年,被卡耐基高等教育机构分类法归类为研究非常活跃的研究型大学(RU/VH),在艺术、公共政策、生物技术以及医疗等领域都拥有较高的知名度,尤以艺术为最。该校艺术学院USNEWS排名全美第4位,公立大学中排名第1...
What are the SAT requirements for you to be admitted to University of Maryland Baltimore County? Average Score & Range The average SAT score at UMBC is 1300 out of 1600 and the range for the middle 50% of accepted students is 1210-1390. Students who get into University of Maryland Baltimor...