Vermont Chiropractic Association KMC University provides a valuable service for chiropractic providers. I purchased a library membership and a coach to guide me as I audited and made changes to clinic SOPs. This program is useful in ensuring compliance, training staff, and confirming the decisions I...
Department of Physical Education, The University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont ABSTRACT (Link to full paper is below.) Brown, JS and Connolly, DA. Selected human physiological responses during extreme heat: The Badwater Ultramarathon. J Strength Cond Res 29(6): 1729–1736, 2015—The purpose ...
If you have not used one of the new “Mini-Manuals” you may wish to consult the document “Getting the Most Out of Mini-Manuals” prior to using this document. If you have questions about information in this mini-manual, or, if after reading the entire ...
Master’s Thesis, The University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, USA, 2015. [Google Scholar] Wang, Y.J.; Zlatanova, S.S.; Yan, J.J.; Huang, Z.Q.; Cheng, Y.N. Exploring the relationship between spatial morphology characteristics and scenic beauty preference of landscape open space unit by...