其后是天文学代表,如Johannes Kepler的老师MichaelMästlin(1546-1601)和Wilhelm Schickard(1592-1635),他为他的天文计算开发了第一台计算机。 Schickard曾在图宾根为希伯来语和天文学教授职位。约翰内斯开普勒(Johannes Kepler,1571-1630年)每年都以教师的名义组织学术活动,只是作为图宾根的一名学生。关于神学教义的纠纷...
State University of New York, The University of Oklahoma, The University of Georgia,etc., the universities form Germany, such as University of Munich, University of Leipzig, University of Tuebingen, University of Heidelberg as well as University of Montreal, Canada and Nagoya University, Japan ,et...
Stefan studied Biochemistry at the University of Tuebingen/Germany from 1981 to 1986. He completed his Masters in 1987 and moved to the Research Center in Juelich where he worked on amino acid producing bacteria during his PhD. He was awarded his PhD in 1991 and moved to the University of I...
Janina.eberhart@uni-tuebingen.de Esinam Avornyo My name is Esinam Avornyo. I completed my PhD studies at the Faculty of Education in November 2018 and graduated in October 2020. The main goal of my PhD thesis was to understand the role of play in early years learning in Ghana. I ...
In addition, I hold a Masters level degree in Biology with an emphasis on animal and plant physiological ecology from the University of Tuebingen, Germany (Biologie Diplom, 2007), where I also completed my undergraduate studies. 研究领域 I am currently interested in investigating the effect of ...