Professor John P. Portelli June 6, Professor, Department of Humanities, Social Science and Social Justice Education and Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education at OISE Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto ...
t. +1 (416) 978-7777 Daniel Wigdor is an entrepreneur, investor, and professor in the field of computer science. He specializes in the invention of technologies which are tailored to enable people to live better/happier/more productive lives. His innovations have included...
Oct: Presented mystudy of the political mobilization against local sustainability planningwith a stellar team of undergraduate students at the University of Toronto Mississauga sustainability conference. June: Promoted to Associate Professor! Yay!
Patrick Keilty | University of Toronto | Assistant Professor, Faculty of Information, Instructor, Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity StudiesPatrick Keilty | University of Toronto | Assistant Professor, Faculty of Information, Instructor, Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity StudiesPatrick Keilty...
Associate Professor Alexei Kochetov | University of Toronto | Associate ProfessorAlexei Kochetov | University of Toronto | Associate ProfessorAlexei KochetovAssociate Professor University of Toronto
Michael HO is a professor in the Economics department at University of Toronto at Mississauga - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself.
Foot, a consultant, an author, and an economics professor at the University of Toronto, Ontario is presented. Foot imparts that there is no concern of a heavy labour shortage with the retirement of the baby boomers. He also mentions that there is no skills shortage with the bust generation...
(B)A professor at the University of Toronto in Canada has come up with a term todescribe the way a lot of us North Americans interact these days. And now a bigresearch study confirms it.Barry Wellman's term is “networked individualism." It's not the easiest concept tograsp. In fact,...
aUniversity of Toronto economics professor Angelo Melino has issued a report for the C.D. Howe Institute arguing that the bank should lower the inflation target to 1.5 per cent when it comes time to sign a new five-year agreement with Ottawa later this year.[translate]...
I am a Professor of Sociology at the University of Toronto. My major substantive interest is the sociological study of food. I see food as a lens for investigating questions that lie at the intersection of multiple areas like culture, politics, gender and the environment. Much of my work exa...