The university’s Banting & Best Diabetes Centre is named after two of these researchers, one of whom eventually went on to win the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for this work. University of Toronto Data Total number of students 79,282 Number of international students 21,293 Total ...
University of Toronto Adjacently ranked institutions 2030405060 Intl Students % =18=182021=22=222425 2025年度泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名关键统计数据 29% 国际学生比例 (1) 56 : 44 女生对男生的学生比例 (1) 25.2 每位教职员对学生数量 (1) 24% Proportion of ISR Publications (1) 80,107...
A huge number of U of T students and faculty come to the university already deeply committed to sustainability. To support and amplify this talent and passion among our students and to prepare them for a lifetime of leadership in the field, we’ve established what we call the Sustainability ...
Intl Students % =182021=22=22242526 World University Rankings 2025 关键统计数据 11.1 每位教职员对学生数量 (1) 61% 国际学生比例 (1) 60 : 40 女生对男生的学生比例 (1) 24% Proportion of ISR Publications (1) 41,935 Number of FTE Students ...
The University of Toronto.Describes the University of Toronto in Toronto, Ontario. Population of students and staff; Annual operating budget; Number of buildings on its three main campuses; Focus on vigor and excellence.EBSCO_AspBioscience
University of Toronto 拉丁语: Universitas Torontonensis 校训 Velut arbor ævo (拉丁语) 英语校训 As a tree through the ages 建立于 March 15, 1827 类型 Public 捐赠 C$1.286 billion Chancellor David Peterson 校长 David Naylor 教职员工 2,551 工作人员 4,795 本科生 33,371 研究生 11,638 位置...
Welcome Home,University of TorontoClass of 2028and 24Fall Graduate Students! Congratulations!欢迎大家加入UT大家庭! 嵩航国际... 2-24 3 【咨询】多伦多大学学生宿舍上网问题 无能力者0... 本人24级新生,入住学校公寓,自己带了小爱音箱过去,又在亚马逊上买了个打印机。发现多大的校园wifi只能给手机电脑认...
Fear of SARS thwarts medical education in Toronto As the BMJ went to press, the 10th death in Canada from severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) was reported in Toronto, and clinical staff and students were being told to continue restricting their presence at the University of Toronto... J...
We are thrilled to celebrate the early university acceptances of our outstanding Grade 12 students! Their hard work, dedication, and resilience throughout their academic journey have led to exciting offers from many prestigious universities around the...
Number of FTE Students (1) 29% Proportion of ISR Publications (1) 52 : 48 女生对男生的学生比例 (1) 26% 国际学生比例 (1) 10.5 每位教职员对学生数量 (1) $74,300 10年后的薪金 (2) $15,246 On-campus Room and Board (2) $57,222 ...