以往毕业证书上写的都是University of Toronto,而今年开始证书上会明确表明是哪个校区的,主校区含金量明显...
IFP课程由大学的文理学院Faculty of Arts and Science所开设,学生在主校区圣乔治校区St. George Campus的New College内上课。文理学院是多伦多大学最大的学院,包括了29个著名的科系:人类学、商业金融、计算机科学、经济学、英文系、历史系、人类生物、国际关系、数学及动物学等,文理学院学生人数占据了多伦多大学主校区的...
University of Toronto, coeducational institution of higher learning that is the provincial university of Ontario and one of the oldest and largest universities in Canada. It is composed of federated, affiliated, and constituent colleges, a union based or
have received conditional offers from some of theworld'stop universities, including the University of Cambridge, the University of Oxford, Stanford University, Cornell University, and other schools. The graduates will have the opportunity to ente...
The University of Toronto offers about 700 undergraduate programs in Humanities & Social Sciences, Life Sciences, Physical & Mathematical Sciences, Commerce & Management, Computer Science, Engineering, Kinesiology & Physical Education, Music and Architecture. Additionally the University offers second entry ...
Professional Master of Health Science in Laboratory Medicine: Training Clinical Laboratory Scientists in an Integrated Program at a Research-Intensive Univ... A 2-year professional master of health science program at the University of Toronto provides a unique integrated educational program to train ...
Tuition Fee (Out of State) - International Students Tuition Fee/year 74,880 CAD Other Expenses - The University of Toronto offers about 700 undergraduate programs in Humanities & Social Sciences, Life Sciences, Physical & Mathematical Sciences, Commerce & Management, Computer Science, Engineering, Ki...
Accounting and Finance Clinical and Health9th Medicine and Dentistry Other Health Computer Science25th Computer Science Engineering26th General Engineering Civil Engineering Chemical Engineering Electrical and Electronic Engineering Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering ...
McMaster University is founded in Torontowith a bequest of $900,000 from the estate of Senator William McMaster. Thefirst three Faculties were -Arts, Science and Divinity – are engraved in thestones of the Class of 1954 Oasis Garden ...
University of Toronto 拉丁语: Universitas Torontonensis 校训 Velut arbor ævo (拉丁语) 英语校训 As a tree through the ages 建立于 March 15, 1827 类型 Public 捐赠 C$1.286 billion Chancellor David Peterson 校长 David Naylor 教职员工 2,551 工作人员 4,795 本科生 33,371 研究生 11,638 位置...