测测专业申请成功率 International Relations 国际关系学位类型:BA 专业方向:社会科学与管理 所属学校:University of Toronto(多伦多大学) 查看该专业官方网址 >> 加载中 查看该专业官方网址 ${vMDataUtil.getDomain($common_pc_footer_copyright.get(0).contentJson)} ...
首页 留学申请 北美中心 找学校 查专业 看攻略 测测专业申请成功率 International Health (MPH,DrPH) 国际卫生学位类型: 专业方向:健康 所属学校:University of Toronto(多伦多大学) 查看该专业官方网址 >> 免费留学咨询 扫码留学问题随时咨询 在线咨询 4006152656 ...
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从11年进入IFP(International foundation program)到16年从Rotman商学院毕业,5年的多大学习生涯可以说是...
多伦多大学的国际预科课程International Foundation Program (IFP)是多伦多大学为了国际学生专门设计的最新项目,优秀的高中毕业生,语言成绩没有达到多伦多大学的入学要求,可以拿到有条件录取进入到多伦多大学的文理系,在完成语言的同时学习专业学科的课程,预科结束后可以获得专业学科的1个完整学分后直接进入多伦多大学相关专业继续...
University or Organization: University of Toronto Department: NA Course Level: Undergraduate Award: $80,000 – $180,000 over four years. Access Mode: Online Number of Awards: Not Known Nationality: International The award can be taken inCanada ...
New Partnership Program with the University of Toronto The University of Toronto (U of T), officially welcomed the partnership between Columbia International College (CIC) this past Thursday evening. The Elite Pathway Partnership Program (EPPP) is the only official partnership recognized by the Univers...
The university’s Banting & Best Diabetes Centre is named after two of these researchers, one of whom eventually went on to win the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for this work. University of Toronto Data Total number of students 79,282 Number of international students 21,293 Total ...
我的毕业文凭上写的是Bachelor of Arts学位,但是其实是包含了两个专业:国际关系 (International ...