阿尔伯塔大学 University of Alberta 阿尔伯塔大学的CS专业名称是ComputingScience,开设在理学院下。是加拿大最大的计算机学院之一,而且有很多实力专业,人工智能,机器人,多媒体和计算机游戏,软件和数据库系统,机器学习方向实力超群,AI领域的领头人物之一就是阿大的在职教授。录取要求 ①完成计算机科学专业,...
多伦多大学 - 圣乔治校区-University of Toronto - St. George Campus-YOLO加拿大www.goyolo.cn/sch...
个人感觉,不是压分,是同学们都太优秀了。今年上的165,刚考完Final,很challenging (可能我是个弱鸡...
多伦多大学首屈一指的图书馆系统,藏书量约1900万,分布在67座分馆和资源中心,在北美仅次于哈佛大学和耶鲁大学。多伦多大学出版社(The University of Toronto Press)是加拿大同行业的翘楚,也是北美最重要的学术出版社之一,仍在出版的各类学术书籍及期刊共3500余种。图书馆中最大的是罗伯茨图书馆,也是加...
C Reinforcement Learning for Problems with Hidden StateSam HasinoffDepartment of Computer Science, University of Toronto Toronto, ON, Canada hasinoff@cshasinoffcs.toronto.edu
那時候第一年新生通通都是Arts&Sience (B.A.) 第二年才能申請進Commerce專業 印象中Arts&Sience 有...
cs.toronto.edu 相似文献Threats to the estimation of benefit: are preference elicitation methods accurate? Stated preference methods are used to estimate the value that people place on health care. The data that emerges from these studies is used to guide health... ...
EE、CS、Education tutoring 39摄氏度 U of Toronto CS Master graduate, now working at Google, Minor in Education. My bachelor major is EE. Now i provide tutoring on cs,ee,Education related courses, happy to discuss with you further. If you have questions in job seeking, mock interview, cv...
U of Toronto CS Master graduate, now working at Google, Minor in Education. My bachelor major is EE. Now i provide tutoring on cs,ee,Education related courses, happy to discuss with you further. If you have questions in job seeking, mock interview, cv polishing, feel free to contact me...