日本最优秀的外语类院校,东京外国语大学。东京外国语大学(日文:とうきょうがいこくごだいがく;英文:Tokyo University of Foreign Studies),简称为“东外大”(TUFS),是于1897年建立,1949年开设大学 - 一森留学|一森塾于20240616发布在抖音,已经收获了3643个喜欢
School of Japan Studies, faculty for study and discover Japan comprehensively and from international perspectives, will start in April 2019. 2019年4月、国際的視点から日本を学ぶ国際日本学部が始動します。 https://www.jpss.jp/zh-cn/univ/25/ 日本留学...
东京外国语大学(とうきょうがいこくごだいがく、Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)位于东京都府中市的日本国立大学。该校与大阪外国语大学是日本仅有的2所国立单科外语大学。两大学与私立外语大学相比,语言的专业非常之多。如果将两所大学作比较的话,东京外国语大学在亚洲语言方面实力非常强,而大阪外国语大学在...
东京外国语大学,英文名称:Tokyo University of Foreign Studies。是于1897年建立,1949年开设大学教育的日本国立大学。大学的简称为“东京外大”“TUFS”。 东京外国语大学设有外国语学部和大学院地域文化研究科(博士前期课程:语言文化专攻、语言应用专攻、地域国际专攻、国际协力专攻、博士后期课程:地域文化专攻)。 校长...
The Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, often referred to as simply TUFS, is a specialist research university based in the Japanese capital with a teaching focus on foreign languages. Some of the languages taught at TUFS are rarely taught in Japan or anywhere else in the world. Language depart...
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies School of Japan Studies 【School of Japan Studies will start accepting 3rd year transfer students!】 We are proud to announce that the School of Japan Studies will start accepting 3rd year transfer students from 2021!! Please check the admission information for ...
以东大为例,如果叫成Tokyo university 的话,那么东京外国语大学Tokyo unoversity of foreign studies就会产生第二种意思“东大外语系”所以以地名直接命名的大学应该尽量避免直接接上大学以避免这种情况发生。至于国内,大学的英文命名方式不太一样。同样以上海大学和上外为例,上海大学直接用的Shanghai university而上外用...
An activity systems analysis helped uncover the systemic contradictions and tensions that existed in the participants' English as a foreign language (EFL) oral presentation lessons. One hundred and twenty-nine undergraduate economics students from nine classes completed a paper-based survey. In addition...