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Temple University, Japan Campus (TUJ), offers you a unique opportunity to receive an American university education in Tokyo. A TUJ degree is the same one you would earn at Temple University in the U.S. You can complete all your coursework in Tokyo or transfer freely to Temple's campuses i...
Tokyo International University (TIU) , founded in 1965, is a fully accredited Japanese university which has a student body of 6,000, including more than 700 international students from over 25 countries. TIU also has its extension campus in Oregon, U.S. that provides one-year study abroad pr...
atending courses, correspondence courses, distance learning universities, correspondence high schools, preparatory schools and more. This site is full of useful information such as characteristics of schools, details of departments, open campus information, application information, interviews of graduates and...
各报对“imperial”的强调,固然有参照东京帝国大学(Tokyo Imperial University)的痕迹,同时也着意凸显其国立性质。戊戌八月政变,新政并罢,唯“大学堂为培植人才之地”[34]101,续由管学大臣孙家鼐着力推进,延聘许景澄和丁韪良为中、西学...
Get in touch Subjects Taught at Tokyo Institute of Technology See below for a range of subjects taught at Tokyo Institute of Technology Life Sciences251–300th Sport Science Biological Sciences Computer Science=97th Computer Science Engineering=64th ...
UTokyo has 10 main academic divisions for undergraduate education: agriculture, arts and sciences, economics, education, engineering, law, letters, medicine, pharmaceutical sciences and science. Undergraduates take liberal arts courses during their first two years of studies and specialize during the last...
SPSF (Sophia Program for Sustainable Futures): English-taught program allows students to gain in-depth knowledge in their field of specialization, while taking interdisciplinary courses on the theme of Sustainable Futures, educating them to be the kind of game changers our globalized world needs ...
Toyo University began as a private philosophy academy, founded by Dr. Enryo Inoue in 1887. It was set up on the grounds of the Rinsho Temple in what is the Bunkyo Ward of Tokyo. Dr. Enryo's educational philosophy It was renamed as the Philosophy Academy University in 1903 and then as...
Enhancing intercultural sensitivity in Japanese nursing students through international online nursing courses: A quasi-experimental study Globalization has highlighted the importance of being competent in communicating with people of various cultural backgrounds. To evaluate the effect of int... H Jing,A Ko...