Find out more about the University of Aberdeen 2040 strategy University of Aberdeen Research Portal Established in 1495,The University of Aberdeenhas an outstanding history of pioneering discoveries which have changed thinking and practice in medicine, science, arts and humanities over five centuries. Th...
Kyung Hee University Research Portal Kyung Hee University has developed each campus into a specialized comprehensive campus. The Seoul Campus is dedicated to traditional academic disciplines such as humanities, social sciences, medicine, basic science, and fine arts, while the Global Campus focuses on ...
Yonsei University Researchers Portal Since its establishment in 1885, Yonsei University has been at the forefront of higher education and research. It has since then emerged as the nation’s top private university and ranks among the world’s most prestigious universities. The research capabilities of...
Korea University Experts Portal Korea University was founded in 1905 on a mission to save the nation through education. Korea University led Korea's economic and political development and social democratization during last 40 years of 20th century. Korea University is already competing against globally...
population studies. The overarching goal is to cultivate a powerful synergy within interdisciplinary clinical and translational research. At the heart of these initiatives lies the expertise portal at SQU, strategically designed to expedite the assimilation and application of cutting-edge research and ...
West Africa (2 Scholarships)Covering Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, the island of Saint Helena, Senegal, Sierra Leone, São Tomé and Principe and Togo, Zambia (2 Scholarships),Zimbabwe (2 Schol...
Don’t be surprised to find the name of Fatou here, even though she is not a Nigeria; she is from Gambia. She read law in OAU and worked with the Gambia government as a civil servant, she studies international criminal law, she is a legal advisor. Fatou has held positions of Legal ...
归属 University of London Russell Group LERU EUA ACU 'Golden Triangle' Universities UK Association of Commonwealth Universities 网址 Arms of University College London University College London (UCL) is a constituent college of the University of London, based primarily in Bloomsb...
Sejong University Researchers Portal Sejong University was founded in 1940 with the educational ideals ‘Love for knowledge and Christianity’, pursuing Sejong the Great in the mission of nurturing individuals who put neighbor and nation before personal benefits and contribute to the prosperity of mankind...