新西兰 搜索 扫一扫下载 首页 留学申请 北美中心 找学校 查专业 看攻略 英国 澳洲 美国 日本 新西兰 新加坡 测测专业申请成功率 Graphic Design 平面设计 学位类型:MA 专业方向:艺术 所属学校:University of the Arts London(伦敦艺术大学) 查看该专业官方网址 >> 加载中 查看该专业官方网址 ...
MA Textile Design ►►► “ For me, the best thing about Chelsea is the freedom of the studios, having everyone across all mediums mixed in together and being able to do what we want, when we want.” Ellie Binnie BA (Hons)Fine Art Chelsea College of Arts...
BA (Hons) Fashion: Fashion Design Menswear
天麟海外藝術創意啟發中心(簡稱天麟ICA)的學生中,周榷基(Mario)也是一名在一月被倫敦藝術大學錄取的優秀生,將入讀切爾西藝術與設計學院紡織品設計本科專業。 Mario 喜歡思考,很有設計天份,一直對面料設計情有獨鐘,加上學習又十分努力和刻苦,設計創作出了許多高水平的作品,得到天麟ICA 導師的高度贊賞。在祝賀他順利拿...
University of the Arts London Institution:University of the Arts London School:Camberwell College of Arts Courses:BA Fine Art: Computational Arts, BA Fine Art: Drawing, BA Fine Art: Painting, BA Fine Art: Photography, BA Fine Art: Sculpture, BA Graphic Design, BA Illustration, BA Interior an...
he Bremen “Intermedia” design team comes from the University of the Arts Bremen in the North of Germany.We are small mixed group of students not a graphic design ‘class’.We have a photographer,digital media designers,graphic designers,3-dimensional designers and a professor from London and ...
Only 2 hours from London and 1 hour from other major cities such as Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff and Oxford, the University comprises three campuses; two in the attractive regency town of Cheltenham and one in the city of Gloucester. Arts and Humanities (6) Architecture (BA Hons) ::type...
Learn more about MSc Creative Computing 15 months Postgraduate Program By University of the Arts London including the program fees, scholarships, scores and further course information
British University Vietnam (BUV)is the first and only international university in Vietnam to award direct degrees from University of London and Staffordshire University. Founded as the result of successful cooperation between the government of Vietnam and the United Kingdom; BUV’s mission is to ...
A breakdown of student statistics at the University of West London Student gender ratio 57 F : 43 M(1) International student percentage 46%(1) Students per staff 12.9(1) Student total 10155(1) Based on data collected for the(1)World University Rankings 2025 ...