University of Texas at Austin The English Language Center 這門課程包含初級到進階級等七個級別。每一個級別分為四種課程 – 聽力/口語、寫作、閱讀/討論、文法/慣用語。ELP 課程為想要進入美國大學或學院的學生做好準備,並幫助基於個人或職業原因想要提升英文能力的人。依據簽證的種類,學生們可以選擇密集學習或半...
Penney Corp., Johnson and Johnson, KPMG, LLP, Lockheed Martin, Microsoft, National Semiconductor, Philip Morris USA, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, LLP, Raytheon, Sabre, Inc., Sears, Sherwin-Williams, Target Stores, Trane Company, U.S. General Accounting Office 著名学友 阿灵顿商学院设有校友办公室负责...
1836年德克萨斯共和国独立后,在所发布的宪法中明确规定要在境内设立两所大学或学院;1839年的议会中立法同意拨出奥斯汀土地中的四十英亩,作为高等教育之用。故德州大学常以四十英亩(40 acres)为名,以为溯本追源。但是,兴建大学的计划,后来因为并成美国的一州,之后又发生南北战争,建校计划一路延宕。直到1881年,奥斯汀...
University of Texas at Austin 学校首页 专业设置 学术信息 录取要求 费用详情 新闻动态 学校相册 学校问答 学校类型:公立 大学 建校时间:1883年 在校学生:51000人 国际生比:8% 录取要求:雅思79分 托福70分 GPA3分 年均学费 17998美金 托福要求 70分 ...
What is the zip code for The University of Texas at Austin? The University of Texas at Austin is a university in USA. This is the The University of Texas at Austin page list. Its detail Address is as below. University Information Name The University of Texas at Austin Street 110 Inner...
国家:USA州:TX城市:Austin 基本信息 U Texas at Austin, founded in 1883, is a public, comprehensive university. Programs are offered through the Colleges of Business Administration, Communication, Education, Engineering, Fine Arts, Liberal Arts, Natural Sciences, and Pharmacy; and the Schools of Arch...
undergraduate degree, a Bachelor of Journalism, fromtheUniversity of Texas at Austin,andhis Juris Doctorate from Georgia State University College of Law. Alan在德克薩斯大學奧斯丁分校完成本科教育,獲得新聞學學士學位,並從喬治亞州立大學法學院獲得法學博士學位。
The University of Texas at Austin is once again ranked as the best university in the world for studying petroleum engineering, one of three American universities in the top 10. There are two debutants in the top 10, with the Technical University of Denmark entering the ranking in joint third...
Texas Largest Universities of USA Arizona State University ~60,000 Students! State University of New York (SUNY). Top Party Universities University Of Colorado At Boulder Pennsylvania State University University of Texas at Austin Arizona State University ...