The University of Tennessee Southern 返回附近名校Top300大学 在田纳西南方大学周边,有几所知名的高等院校值得关注: 范德堡大学(Vanderbilt University):位于纳什维尔,2024年US News排名第18,是一所享有盛誉的综合大学,以其出色的学术和研究著称。 西沃恩南方大学(The University of the South):位于田纳西州的塞维尔,20...
Utah, United StatesHawaii, United StatesTennessee, United StatesIndiana, United StatesDistrict of Columbia, United StatesVermont, United StatesColorado, United StatesMaine, United StatesNorth Carolina, United StatesMaryland, United StatesVirginia, United StatesGeorgia, United StatesOklahoma, United StatesNew...
17 University of Rocheste 罗彻斯特大学 20 University of lllinois--Urbana Champaign 伊利诺伊香槟分校 21 Fairfeld University 费尔菲尔德大学 22 Marquette University 马凯特大学 22 Santa Clara University 圣塔克拉拉大学 24 University of Notre Dame 圣母大学 24 University of Southerm Califonia 南加州大学 24 Uni...
Memphis, Tennessee 排名录取率42% 学校性质Private全部学生数1789 TOEFL分数要求80每年总费用34270 SAT平均分1895报名截止日01-FEB 在线申请 收藏院校 比较 查找类似学校 感兴趣 已收藏 4 Clemson University Clemson, South Carolina 排名录取率63% 学校性质Public全部学生数21698 ...
6位:宾夕法尼亚大学University of Pennsylvania 7位:加州理工学院California Institute of Technology 7位:杜克大学Duke University 9位:布朗大学Brown University 9位:约翰斯·霍普金斯大学Johns Hopkins University 9位:西北大学Northwestern University usnews美国大学前50 ...
Tennessee is revered as one of the most tradition-based gameday experiences in the South, and it would be a travesty if you missed out on any of it. As you head down Cumberland Avenue toward UT’s campus, take in the sights: a sea of tailgaters sporting orange and white, footballs ...
第51位:University of Colorado Boulder 第51位:University of Tennessee, Knoxville 第58位:Iowa State University of Science and Technology 第58位:SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry 第58位:University of Arizona 第58位:University of New Hampshire ...
In 2008 the JV boat won first in nationals at the ACRA Championships in Tennessee and in 2009 the Varsity boat got second place in nationals at the ACRA Championships. They consistently compete against teams such as Stanford, the University of Washington and UC Berkeley. The Aggies finished ...
2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3 Harvard University 3 Stanford University 5 Yale University 6 University of Pennsylvania 7 California lnstitute of Technology 7 Duke University 9 Brown University 9 Johns Hopkins University 9 Northwestern University ...