学校名称(英文):The University of Tennessee School of Music 学校名称(中文):田纳西大学音乐学院 学校类型:私立 建立年份:1794 所属学校:田纳西大学音乐学院 学校地点:Knoxville, Tennessee, United States 扫描二维码获取更多 美国音乐学院...
田纳西大学公立寄宿大学 University of Tennessee: Knoxville 田纳西州 Knoxville城市 加诚国际教育 »院校库»大学院校»公立大学»田纳西大学 学校类型:大学 公立/私立:公立 住宿方式:寄宿 学费:$31,196 学校名称:田纳西大学 US News :104 学校电话:(865) 974-1111 学校地址:527 Andy Holt Tower, Knoxville...
Music, General Music, Other Non-Profit/Public/Organizational Management Philosophy Physical Education Teaching and Coaching Physics, General Political Science and Government, General Psychology, General Public Administration Public Health, General Public Relations/Image Management ...
学校名称(英文):University of Memphis RUDI E. SCHEIDT SCHOOL OF MUSIC 学校名称(中文):孟菲斯大学音乐学院 学校类型:公立 建立年份:1912 所属学校:孟菲斯大学 学校地点:Memphis, Tennessee, United States 扫描二维码获取更多 美国音乐学院资...
School of Chemical Engineering, School of Urban-Regional Planning and Development Engineering Faculty of Fine Arts: School of Visual and Applied Arts, School of Music Studies, School of Drama, School of Film Studies Faculty of Education: School of Primary Education, School of Early Childhood Educati...
and speak with representatives,” Hollis said. “My HBCU… we’re good enough, and I have been afforded the opportunity to be here at the Capitol for a reason. We’re not here just because—we’re here because we are a prestigious school, and I take pride in Tennessee State University...
After graduating from high school, he attended the School of Music at Lee University in Tennessee to continue his education in music. 高中毕业后,他就读于田纳西州李大学(英语:Lee University)音乐学院,继续学习音乐。 WikiMatrix After five years as Professor of Mathematics at the University of Ten...
TheUniversityof Tennessee in Knoxville offers one example of this dilemma. 出自-2015年12月阅读原文 TheUniversityof North Carolina at Chapel Hill, for instance, admits only that the graduation rate for its first-generation pupils is much lower than the percentage of all students who graduate within...
The University is the state’s oldest and largest public higher education institution, tracing its beginnings to the founding of Blount College in Knoxville in 1794, two years before Tennessee became a state. The UT System was formed in 1968. The university enrolls about 50,000 undergraduate and...
a George F. DeVine Music Library, University of Tennessee Libraries, University of Tennessee School of Music, 1741 Volunteer Boulevard, Knoxville, TN, 37996-2600 E-mail: ◆ b John C. Hodges Library, University of Tennessee Libraries, 1015 Volunteer Boulevard, Knoxville, TN, 37996-1000 E-mail:...