University of Technology Sydney 悉尼科技大学(UTS)建校于1988年,是一所新兴大学,但却拥有世界一流排名,并且每年都在世界排名中持续攀升。悉尼科技大学在护理、艺术与设计、体育、图书馆与信息管理、法律、会计与金融、商学、传播学、计算机科学、教育、建筑、土木工程、经济学、电气工程、环境科学与统计学领域位于世界...
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University of TechnologyLOGO设计 Wuhan University of Technology校徽 Wuhan University of Technology校徽矢量图 Wuhan University of Technology校徽矢量素材 Wuhan University of Technology校徽设计 Wuhan University of Technology校徽设计素材 Wuhan University of Technology校标 Wuhan University of Technology校标矢量图 ...
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Delft University of Technology black, flyingblue, flame, torch [c] [r] [all] Trivia The word mark consists of the letters 'TU Delft' (Technische Universiteit in Dutch) and the stylised torch (the 'T' with the flame on top of it). The torch and flame refer to the legend of ...
香港科技大学(The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology),简称科大、港科大(HKUST),为环太平洋大学联盟、全球大学校长论坛、东亚研究型大学协会、亚洲大学联盟、中国大学校长联谊会重要成员,并获AACSB和EQUIS双重认证,是一所世界知名研究型大学。该校以科技和商业管理为主、人文及社会科学并重,尤以商科和工科见...
(IFLA) Europe. According to the latest national ranking of study programmes,Architecture at PK is the best programme of its kind in Poland. Cracow University of Technology was awarded the Logo Human Resources Excellence in Research by the European Commission. The University is a member of the ...
南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University),简称南理工大(NTU),为国际科技大学联盟(Global Alliance of Technological Universities,简称G7联盟)发起成员、AACSB认证成员、国际事务专业学院协会(APSIA)成员,是新加坡一所科研密集型大学,在纳米材料、生物材料、功能性陶瓷和高分子材料等许多领域的研究享有世界盛名,为工科...
Tuition Fee (Out of State) - International Students Tuition Fee/year 18,000 USD Other Expenses - Rankings & ratings RANKINGS The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology is one of the top public universities in Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR. It is ranked #=47 in QS World University Ranki...