University of Worcester Exciting Fully Funded PhD Opportunity: Drive Innovation in Hydrogen Technology. Project: High-Pressure Hydrogen Generation, Storage, and Use - Shape the Future of Clean Energy with Us! University of Sheffield
Northumbria University Audio for Virtual and Augmented Reality University of York Advanced virtual reality future power plant dynamic simulations University of Sheffield
A/ lark in the chair of physiology at the Un rsi of Sheffield. Dr. Smyth was educat ,ttt he yal Belfast Academical Institution and t · Q . 's University, Belfast, in the Faculties o icine · nd Science, where he had a brilliant c. held various studentships and appoint- mainly in...
Jainti Dass Saggar Memorial Scholarship at University of Dundee 2025 International Merit Postgraduate Scholarship at University of Sheffield 2025 Wellcome Early Career Awards 2025 International Accommodation Award at Prifysgol Aberystwyth University 2025 Endowed Scholarship at University of The Incarnate ...
PhD studentships in Biocatalysis Background and Aims: Natural and engineered biocatalysts are already having impact in the manufacture of high value pharmaceuticals by catalysing the conversion of functional groups in high yield. The use of enzymes for organic synthesis will be more routine once their...
Project-specific queries should be directed to the contacts above and general questions about the SPCR studentships to Dr Jane Smith ([Email Address Removed]). For further information and to submit an application please go to ...
The PhD Studentships This is one of three scholarships available: one for each of the thematic areas below. Each of these areas are described as outputs, and each output will comprise a number of ‘mini’ projects. Output 1: Resilience ...
8 Moody, J. in Landscape and Land Use in Postglacial Greece (eds C. Frederick & P. Halstead) 52-61 (Sheffield Round Table, 2000).
Funding will cover UK tuition fees/stipend only. The University of Manchester aims to support the most outstanding applicants from outside the UK. We are able to offer a limited number of scholarships that will enable full studentships to be awarded to international applicants. These full studentsh... some projects, applications may be accepted for exceptional overseas applicants. The project will develop image analysis methodology for ultrasound images aiming to provide super-resolution...