oceans; developmentofscience policies and basic and engineeringsciences and technologiesinsupportofsustainable living and livelihoods; [...] unesdoc.unesco.org unesdoc.unesco.org 其它优先事项:海洋;制定科学政策,发展基础科学和工程科学与相关技术,支持可持续的生活和生计;宣传原住民的知识体系;防灾和减灾。
Health tech Leading a maritime-technology revolution The epitome of brain power Nurturing researchers of tomorrow Ocean science Microelectronics The Future of the Internet Sustainability AI & Robotics Thirty Years of Transformative Research at HKUST ...
University of Science and Technology of China 的排名数据分析 所有上榜的高校都有一个总分和四项指标类别的得分。但只有总分或指标类别排列在前500的高校才会公开得分。 关键统计数据 25% Proportion of ISR Publications (1) 5% 国际学生比例 (1) 8.0 ...
The University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) traces its origins to 1958 when the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) established it in Beijing. It was founded under the goal to cultivate the country's most promising scientific and technological talent. In 1970, USTC was moved to He...
the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) constantly aims to focus its research on the cutting edge of world scientific developments, to satisfy national strategic needs, to contribute to the development of regional economy and society, to provide knowledge for the improvement of life...
The National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST)commonly referred to as Taiwan Tech, is a public/national technological university located in Taipei, Taiwan. Taiwan Tech was established in 1974, as the first and the leading higher education institution of its kind within Taiwan's ...
/浦項工科大學校;英语:Pohang University of Science and Technology;简称:POSTECH)是一所位于韩国庆...
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) is a public research university in Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong. Founded in 1991, the university consists of four main academic schools, offering programs in science, engineering, business and management, humanities and social science, along...