#14 University of California--Los Angeles 加州大学洛杉矶分校 #15 University of Chicago 芝加哥大学 #16 Princeton University 普林斯顿大学 #16 University College London 伦敦大学学院 #16 University of Toronto 多伦多大学 #19 University of Michigan--Ann Arbor 密歇根大学安娜堡分校 #20 Imperial Colle...
远程教育学院(University of Plymouth Colleges ); 半岛药学和牙医学院(Peninsula College of Medicine & Dentistry); 普利茅斯德文国际学院(Plymouth Devon International College)。 十五个系分别是: 建筑、设计和环境系(School of Architecture, Design and Environment ); 艺术和传媒系(School of Art and Media); 生...
Learn more about studying at University College Plymouth St Mark & St John including how it performs in QS rankings, the cost of tuition and further course information.
今年2+2去普利普利茅斯大学(University of Plymouth)始建于1862年,是一所坐落于英格兰普利茅斯的公立...
Some of my particular favorites are the Hummus Society at LSE, the Harry Potter Society at the University of Warwick, and the Robot Football Society at Plymouth University! Student clubs can provide you with the perfect space to meet someone new who might be in a similar situation as yourself...
72、哈德斯菲尔德大学 University of Huddersfield (Huddersfield) 73、密德萨斯大学 Middlesex University (London) 74、赫尔大学 University of Hull (Hull) 75、罗伯特戈登大学 Robert Gordon University (Aberdeen) 76、利物浦约翰摩尔大学 Liverpool John Moores University (Liverpool) 77、普利茅斯大学 Plymouth University...
University of Plymouth, Plymouth, United Kingdom Request More Details Shortlist Compare # 551-600QS Subject Rankings 24 monthsProgram duration Biological SciencesMain Subject Area Programs2 Menu Program Overview Admission Requirements Tuition Fee and Scholarships Subject Rankings More Programs ...
The majority of these weirdly wonderful societies are accessibility-friendly, so you can get excited about reveling in something new. Some of my particular favorites are theHummus Society at LSE, theHarry Potter Societyat the University of Warwick, and theRobot Football Societyat Plymouth University...
Oberlin College of Arts and Sciences Occidental College Pace University Parsons, The New School (4) Pitzer College (2) Plymouth State University Pomona College (2) Pratt Institute (6) Reed College (3) Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (3)