院校联系方式:地址: University of Pittsburgh Office of Admissions & Financial Aid Staff 4227 Fifth Avenue, Alumni Hall Pittsburgh, PA 15260-6601 USA 电话:412-624-7488 Email:oafa@pitt.edu 网址:http://www.pitt.edu/ 专题推荐 PROJECT 亚洲留学攻略 欧洲留学攻略 低费用留学 世界大学排名 出国...
Financial aid office/services Yes Access to live librarian Yes Local area network Yes Mentoring Yes Technical support Yes Live tutoring Yes Writing workshops Yes Admissions counseling Yes Course registration Yes Resume help services Yes Degree audit Yes Support Same program length of all online pr...
所属地区:University of Pittsburgh Office of Admissions & Financial Aid Staff 4227 Fifth Avenue, Alumni Hall Pittsburgh, PA 15260-6601 USA 美国匹兹堡大学(University of Pittsburgh)成立于1787年,是美国第十所最早成立的大学且学术声望非常高。匹兹堡大学创立时称为匹兹堡研究院(Pittsburgh Academy),于1819年改名...
网站:www.pitt.edu 招生办公室地址 4227 Fifth Avenue, 1st Floor, Alumni Hall Pittsburgh, 宾夕法尼亚州 15260 United States 电话:(412) 624-7488 传真:(412) 648-8815 邮箱:oafa@pitt.edu 联系人:Betsy Porter Director, Office of Admissions and Financial Aid ...
Department of Political Science Contact Information 4601 Wesley W. Posvar Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 (412) 648-7250 polisci@pitt.eduWebsite Pittsburgh, PA Explore Map Psychology Program and Specialty rankings #39in Psychology (tie)See all grad school rankings Department of Psychology Contact ...
“Arizona State must set aside 17 percent of its honors college fees for financial aid,” Seltzer writes, and, according to Jacobs, “Barrett students can receive need-based and non-need-based aid from the university’s central financial aid office. Students can also receive aid from the hon...
Gallagher said ensuring Pitt’s workers earn a living wage has been a focus for the university for several years, with modernization in its human resources office that allows it to do analysis to ensure that none of its employees are below acceptable levels of compensation. He noted that Pitt...
Pitt State offers its students many opportunities for scholarships & financial assistance. We understand that, as a student, your focus should be on the classroom and not on the paperwork. The professionals in our Office of Student Financial Assistance are here to provide you with the information...
CUNY Macaulay Honors, Maryland, the University of North Texas, and Wisconsin. In 2015, ten public universities had three scholars, and ten also have three scholars in 2016: Arizona State, Auburn, Colorado, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland-Baltimore County, Miami Ohio, Montana State, Oklahoma, Pitt, and...
News and have no impact on any of the Best Graduate Schools rankings. 0 reviews This school does not have enough reviews yet. Click here to submit your review. Previous: Medicine Next: Nursing More from Pitt Colleges Graduate Schools Online Programs Global Universities...