网络宾州大学牙医学院 网络释义 1. 宾州大学牙医学院 宾州大学牙医学院(University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine)的齿颚矫正临床教授暨预防阻断门诊主任医师,牙科 …|基于4个网页
of Pennsylvania, in 1749. In the years that followed, Penn went on to obtain a collegiate charter (1755), graduate its first class (1757), establish the first medical school in the American colonies (1765) and become the f...
California Health Sciences University College of Osteopathic MedicineClovis, CA Add to Compare SPONSORED Albert Einstein College of MedicineBronx, NY Add to Compare University of Pennsylvania (Perelman) Medical School Data University of Pennsylvania (Perelman) Admissions Applications accepted N/A Application...
宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania ),简称宾大(UPenn),位于宾夕法尼亚州的费城,是一所全球顶尖的私立研究型大学,著名的八所常春藤盟校之一,北美顶尖大学学术联盟美国大学协会(Association of American Universities)的十四所创始成员校之一。宾大由本杰明·富兰克林创建于1740年,是美国第四古老的高等教育机构,也...
Is University of Pennsylvania the best fine arts school for you? Find out at US News. See if University of Pennsylvania is ranked and get info on programs, admission, tuition, and more.
University of Pennsylvania Dental School Annenberg School for Communication Graduate School of Arts & Sciences Graduate School of Education Law School School of Dental Medicine School of Design (formerly the Graduate School of Fine Arts) School of Engineering and Applied Science School of Medicine School...
(redirected from University of Pennsylvania Medical School)Also found in: Thesaurus, Acronyms, Encyclopedia. ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch to new thesaurus Noun 1. University of Pennsylvania - a university in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Penn, Pennsylvania Ivy League - a league of...
1. 根据第一段Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania are working to create a special chewing gum... to someone else.(宾夕法尼亚大学的研究人员正在努力创造一种特殊的口香糖,这种口香糖可以通过“捕获”病毒来帮助减少新冠肺炎病毒的传播,这样一个人就不能将其传播给其他人。)可知,这种口香糖可以减少...
University of Pennsylvania 私立 综合类大学 QS:18 美国 宾夕法尼亚州 费城 院校介绍 专业介绍 申请要求 建校时间:1740年 授课语言:英文 教师人数:4318 师生比例:1:6 学生人数:24725 国际学生:5756 住宿费:13464 USD/年 学费:48044 USD/年 美国宾夕法尼亚大学成立于1740年,是一所四年制的私立大学,也...
Beverley Crawford, professor of clinical restorative dentistry and director of the student diversity and inclusion initiatives at the University of Pennsylvania, has been recognized for her service to students and academics as the 2023 recipient of the National Dental Association ...