Penn Medicine is a world-renowned health system, dedicated to groundbreaking research and compassionate patient care. Penn Medicine has hospitals located throughout the Greater Philadelphia, Lancaster, and central and south New Jersey areas.
s leading provider of proton therapy solutions for the treatment of cancer, today announces it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Pennsylvania Health System for the installation of two Proteus®ONE1...
EURONEXT), the world leader in particle accelerator technology and the world’s leading provider of proton therapy solutions for the treatment of cancer, today announces it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Pennsylvania Health System for the installation of two Proteus®...
Division of Urology, Penn Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Health SystemAustin Amoroso
In FY2009, Penn's academic research programs undertook more than $730 million in research, involving some 3,800 faculty, 1,000 postdoctoral fellows and 5,400 support staff/graduate assistants. Much of the funding is provided by the National Institutes of Health for biomedical research. Penn tops...
6月1日宾夕法尼亚大学:Penn 要求所有现任教职员工和博士后受训人员全面接种 COVID-19 疫苗 当我们展望充满活力的秋季学期,并全面恢复面对面的教学,研究和大学运作时,为整个Penn社区维持安全健康的环境仍然是我们的重中之重。 疫苗要求我们每个人可以采取的保护自己以及校园和周围社区中的人自己的最重要措施是接种CO...
University of Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚大学 Penn’s academics are boosted by its inherent culture and ecosystem of innovation. You name it, if it’s cutting-edge, the University’s faculty—and students—have their hands in it....
Penn Medicine’s Vice President for Public Affairs Patrick Norton wrote in an email to The Daily Pennsylvanian that the University of Pennsylvania Health System will continue to recruit employees “to ensure [Penn Med] can continue to meet our patient care mission.” ...
宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania ),简称宾大(UPenn),位于宾夕法尼亚州的费城,是一所全球顶尖的私立研究型大学,著名的八所常春藤盟校之一,北美顶尖大学学术联盟美国大学协会(Association of American Universities)的十四所创始成员校之一。宾大由本杰明·富兰克林创建于1740年,是美国第四古老的高等教育机构,也...
University of Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania ),简称宾大(UPenn),位于宾夕法尼亚州的费城,是一所全球顶尖的私立研究型大学,著名的八所常春藤盟校之一,北美顶尖大学学术联盟美国大学协会(Association of American Universities)的十四所创始成员校之一。宾大由本杰明·富兰克林创建于1740年,是美国...