University of Oregon 国家/地区:美国 建校时间:1876年 地理位置:1585 E 13th Ave, Eugene, Oregon, USA QS 701 US.NEWS 244 TIMES 351 分享: 关注学校 学校对比 获取申请方案 学校主页学校简介招生专业申请条件学校剪影 俄勒冈大学(UniversityofOregon;UO),创建于1876年,坐落在俄勒冈州的第二大城市尤金(Euge...
USA Oregon State University Oregon State UniversityIntroduction English Language Requirements Locations Programs Introduction As the founding College of Oregon State University, for more than 150 years we have lived out our land-grant mission in education, research, and outreach. With renowned faculty ...
俄勒冈大学 The University of Oregon is one of just 36 public institutions that can claim to be members of the prestigious Association of American Universities, and one of only two that are located in the Pacific Northwest. Set between mountains and an ocean, the University of Oregon is located...
俄勒冈大学 University of Oregon 俄勒冈大学学院概况学校名称:俄勒冈大学 英文名称:University of Oregon 学校类型:大学 公立/私立:公立 住宿方式:寄宿 学费:$35,478 US News 综合大学排名:103 城市:俄勒冈州 Eugene 学校电话:(541) 346-3201 学校地址:1226 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1205...
of American Universities. The Carnegie Foundation classifies the University of Oregon as a "high research activity" university. Richard W. Lariviere is the current president of the university. The University of Oregon receives much of its funding from the UO Foundation, an independent not-for-...
所属地区:Office of Admissions 104 Kerr Administration Building Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2106 USA 美国俄勒冈州立大学建于1868年,位于美国俄勒冈州的安全舒适、灵气十足并且绿树成荫的小城-谷心镇(Corvallis),距离波特兰南部90 英里,驱车到太平洋海岸的喀斯喀特山脉(Cascades )也只需要一个小时。俄勒冈州立大学是一所...
Eugene, Oregon, USA Toggle view 1/4 Show more results Photo Credits: Stephen Cridland Celebrating athletes with new, inviting light The John E Jaqua Academic Center is the newest addition to the University of Oregon campus. When designing the 40,000 square foot state-of-the-art academic lear...
University of Delaware University of Oregon 50 or more 20-49 Classes with fewer than 20 students Student-Faculty Ratio (3%) 12:1 19:1 Ten Most Popular Majors for 2023 Graduates 20%Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services 14%Social Sciences 10%Health Professions and Related...
俄勒冈州立大学(Oregon State University),创办于1858年,是一所世界著名的公立研究型大学,该校由当时的美国总统亚伯拉罕·林肯亲自主持建立,作为全美国仅有的两所获得政府赠地同时用于参与海洋、航空、能源计划的大学之一而享有独特的荣誉,被...
University or Organization: University of Oregon Department: NA Course Level: Undergraduate or postgraduate Award: Varies Number of Awards: Not known Access Mode: Online Nationality: International and American The award can be taken inthe USA