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The University of Nottingham Ningbo, China Undergraduate Study Programmes: BEng (Hons) Aerospace Engineering BEng (Hons) Architectural Environment Engineering BEng (Hons) Architecture (Portfolio of artwork is required for admission) BSc (Hons) Chemistry BEng (Hons) Chemical Engineering BEng (Hons) Civil... 地理位置 诺丁汉郡位于英格兰中部(Midlands),人口30万左右。从该校的Jubilee校区和大学公园校区乘公交车或骑自行车到市中心,都只需很短的时间;从市中心到Sutton Bonington校园也只有20分钟的路程...
Nottingham Undergraduate College 学院官网 学院项目 MSc Finance and Investment 基本信息 学分 暂无 项目时长 暂无 学费估算 暂无 GMAT Code 暂无 托福/GRE Code 暂无 申请截止日期 秋季 常规 8月7日(rolling) 申请信息 项目官网查看该项目详情 Master of Laws(LLM) ...
There are attractive scholarships at the University of Nottingham available for undergraduate, postgraduate and research studies.Nottingham University scholarshipsare based on merit and are awarded each year to international students as a discount towards the tuition fees. For Indian students, they include...
诺丁汉大学 The University of Nottingham 诺丁汉大学(The University of Nottingham),建于1881年,是英国著名的一流大学。世界百强名校,英国常春藤联盟罗素大学集团成员。诺丁汉大学在中国宁波和马来西亚吉隆坡建有海外校区。英国诺丁汉大学曾荣获英国“女王企业奖”和“女王高等教育年度奖”。诺丁汉大学分为五个学院,并提供范... 地理位置 诺丁汉郡位于英格兰中部(Midlands),人口30万左右。从该校的Jubilee校区和大学公园校区乘公交车或骑自行车到市中心,都只需很短的时间;从市中心到Sutton Bonington校园也只有20分钟的路程。由于诺丁汉位于英国中部,因此从这里去英国其他大...
University of Nottingham Ningbo China. Universtiy of Nottingham - UK China Malaysia. University of Nottingham Ningbo China. What are you looking for? Discover our world at our Ningbo Campus. Where the extraordinary happens everyday. UNNC International Education Week 2018. On campus from 8th to 15t...
Study Level Undergraduate We offer language courses in French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian and Serbian/Croatian, with the option to take one of your two language choices from beginners’ level. The languages that you choose will influence where you spend your third year abroad,... Rea...
Our five subject areas are: • Arts and humanities • Engineering • Medicine and Health Sciences • Science • Social Sciences (home to Nottingham University Business School) We offer a range of courses, including foundation degrees, undergraduate degrees, postgraduate masters...