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Notre Dame is divided into eight schools and colleges, the largest of which is the College of Arts and Letters. Notre Dame’s graduate and professional programs include the highly rankedMendoza College of BusinessandLaw Schoolin addition to a well-regarded School of Architecture, which offers unde...
Completed in 2012 in Australia. Images by Dianna Snape . The new Clinical School was designed as a contemporary teaching and research environment that is fully integrated with the University of Notre Dame...
圣母大学(University of Notre Dame,又称诺特丹大学)创建于1842年,它是一所私立天主教大学、研究型大学,位于美国印地安纳州圣的南本德。 圣母大学具有深厚的宗教背景,这通常会和美国古老的等级严格的上流社会有关,因此如今也与许多金融巨鳄、商业财团保持着神秘的关系。 所以这就是为什么圣母大学在所有美国金融机构...
我忘了具体的数据,但圣妈妈在medical school录取率还是MCAT分数方面貌似是全美第一,所以吸引了很多的pre-med大学霸来圣妈妈上学。 #Notre Dame#3)College of Engineering 圣妈妈的工程院应该也算挺老的了,具体情况不是很了解,但是我知道圣妈妈的aerospace engineering很强,也出过好几个航天员。Bio 和Chem ...
圣母大学(University of Notre Dame,又音译为诺特丹大学),位于美国印地安纳州的南本德,始建于19...
圣母大学(University of Notre Dame)又被称为诺特丹大学,是一所美国著名的私立天主教教会研究型大学,位于印第安纳州的南本德市,是新常春藤盟校之一。圣母大学共设有近75个本科生专业,50多个研究生、博士生以及进阶专业,学校的教授无论是在科学研究方面还是在教育教学方面都小有成就。圣母大学所开设的学科涉及的领域...
School size Division: Division 1 Men's team: ACC Women's team: ACC Website: Address: Notre Dame, IN Cost & Financial aid Average annual cost Cost includes tuition, living costs, books and supplies, and fees minus the average grants and scholarships for federa...
和西方众多古老的大学一样,圣母大学又称“诺特丹大学(University of Notre Dame”) 始建于19世纪中期,经历了一个多世纪的辉煌,享誉全美,带有浓厚的宗教和上流社会色彩,依赖于强大的校友会,与当权政府和一些显赫的商业财团保持着千丝万缕的关系。其校友包括前美国国务卿赖斯,著名作家Nicholas Sparks等。是一所私立天...
The University of Notre Dame is a private school located in South Bend, Indiana (about 100 miles outside Chicago.) The school, founded in 1842, is considered one of the top twenty universities in the country. The urban setting, on 1,250 acres of land, offers many off-campus opportunities...