JOHNSON, Vt. (AP) — The president of Northern Vermont University has announced that she resigning in mid-August.
The Antisocial Personality of Fraternity and Sorority Members of the University of Northern PhilippinesGilbert R. Arce
Villanueva CB (2016) The University of the Philippines Baguio Cordillera Studies Collection Library and UP Baguio Cordillera/Northern Luzon Historical Archives in the dissemination of indigenous knowledge for indi- genous peoples: The Northern Philippines experience. In: Callison C, Roy L and LeChemin...
Avian abundance and diversity in three urbanized university campuses at different elevations in Northern Mindanao, PhilippinesJoven A. PedreraCordulo P. Ascao IIQueenilyn A. PilotonRichel E. ReloxGiovanni B. CagurinDennis A. MugotRichmund A. Palma...
Health behaviors and protective factors of international students in the university of northern philippines Health behaviors and protective factors of international students in the university of northern philippinesBernardo Oliber ArdeEvelyn A Claudio
Energy utilization practices of the university of Northern PhilippinesManuel A. Bajet JrNelson A. Bajet
Employment Status of Architecture Graduates of the University of Northern PhilippinesFatima Nicetas Rabang-Alonzo
EMPLOYMENT OF THE MASTER OF ARTS IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION GRADUATES OF A UNIVERSITY IN NORTHERN PHILIPPINESReotutar, Mark Angelo C.Riboroso, Rhosechelle A.Llagas Jr., Restituto M.Taban, Joseph G.Universal Journal of Educational Research (UJER)...
Awareness campaign and mitigation strategies on climate change: A university of northern Philippines initiativeManuel BajetJrJoussie B. Bermio