The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the nation’s first public university, is a global higher education leader known for innovative teaching, research and public service. A member of the prestigious Association of American Universities, Caro
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the nation’s first public university, is a global higher education leader known for innovative teaching, research and public service. A member of the prestigious Association of American Universities, Caro
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the nation’s first public university, is a global higher education leader known for innovative teaching, research and public service. A member of the prestigious Association of American Universities, Caro
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the nation’s first public university, is a global higher education leader known for innovative teaching, research and public service. A member of the prestigious Association of American Universities, Caro
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the nation’s first public university, is a global higher education leader known for innovative teaching, research and public service. A member of the prestigious Association of American Universities, Caro
费用:- 地址: 250 E. Franklin St., Chapel Hill, NC 电话:+1-919-96222** 更多信息 写评价 网友评价(20) 全部图片(18)好评(18)中评(2)差评(0) 冰淇淋公主 University of North Carolina 🩵 北卡蓝(North Carolina Blue)遍布了校园的各个角落 ...
学校概况: 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,简写UNC),是一所男女同校的公立研究型大学,位于美国北卡罗来纳州教堂山。该大学是北卡罗来纳大学系统最古老的教育机构。虽然不是第一间被特许的公立大学,却是第一个在十八世纪对外招生的学校,也是唯一有研究生的公立学府。北卡罗...
北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,简称UNC-Chapel Hill)是美国最古老的公立大学之一,成立于1789年,位于北卡罗来纳州的教堂山。作为美国顶尖的公立研究型大学之一,UNC以高质量的教育和卓越的学术研究而闻名。学校的校训是“光明真理”(Lux et Veritas),强调追求真理与智慧的重要...
北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(UniversityofNorthCarolinaatChapelHill,简称UNC),创建于1789年,是美国历史上第一所公立大学,也是北卡罗来纳大学系统的旗舰机构。根据U.S.News最新的2015大学排名,该校是当前美国最顶尖的五所公立大学之一,... 2016-08-17 美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校社会学专业的申请介绍 Universityof...