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密苏里大学于1839年在哥伦比亚城建立,是当时密西西比河西岸唯一的大学,现在已发展成为密苏里大学体系,包括四个分校,分别是哥伦比亚校区(Columbia)、罗拉分校(Rolla)、堪萨斯分校(Kansas City)和圣路易斯分校(St. Louis)。四个校区共有学生6.3万名。 密苏里大学是该州34所大学中唯一入选美国大学联盟AAU(Association of Americ...
education home university of missouri ranked in 11 program s and 10+ specialt ies overview rankings business law medicine engineering nursing education fine arts health library and information studies public affairs science social sciences and humanities overview rankings business law medicine engineering ...
比如XX大学就可以叫做 日耳曼示的XX University,也可以叫做拉丁式的The University of XX。因为在法语的...
官网网址: 学校性质:公立 学生类别:本科,研究生,博士 师生比: 1:17 学生规模:30014 (22589 大学本科) 提供的学位:不到一年的学位,学士学位,后学士学位,硕士学位,后硕士学位,博士学位-研究型/学术型,博士学位-专业实操型,博士学位 校园环境:城市: 中型 校园住房:是 平均花费: 38624美元 密苏里大...
Political SciencePh.D. PsychologyPh.D. Religious StudiesPh.D. Renaissance StudiesPh.D. Slavic Languages and LiteraturesM.A., Ph.D. SociologyPh.D. Spanish and PortuguesePh.D. Recommend Change University of Missouri - Columbia United States University Savoie Mont Blanc France University of Applied ...
网址 机构类别私立 男女同校是 学费$25,892 平均GPA 未报告 录取难度很难 新生入学要求 入学难度 很难: More than 75% of freshmen were in the top 50% of their high school class and scored over 1010 on the SAT I or over 18 on the ACT; about 85% or fewer of all applic...
Agenda Crossover: The Influence of State Delegations in Congress by Sarah A. Treul. New York, Cambridge University Press, 2017. 170 pp. $99.99.doi:10.1002/polq.12829Jennifer L. SelinUniversity of MissouriJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdPolitical Science Quarterly...
17:39 Alex E:My name is Alex Embree. I’m the program manager at the Office for Financial Success for the University of Missouri. And the policy that I would want to have changed is that graduate student payment is in accordance with the value that they bring to t...
#14 University of California--Los Angeles 加州大学洛杉矶分校 #15 University of Chicago 芝加哥大学 #16 Princeton University 普林斯顿大学 #16 University College London 伦敦大学学院 #16 University of Toronto 多伦多大学 #19 University of Michigan--Ann Arbor 密歇根大学安娜堡分校 #20 Imperial Colle...