Kids University- Yard and Garden Sleuths; A Week Long University of Minnesota Youth Program That Introduces 8-9 Year-Old Students to Horticulture through Campus Horticultural ResourcesKaryn E. Vidmar
The University of Michigan boasts a diverse and accomplished group of alumni who have become influential figures across various industries. From trailblazing entrepreneurs to international stars, the talented individuals fostered by this prestigious institution have left indelible marks on their respective fie...
There were recent testimonials from university presidents across the country: Wisconsin, Ohio State, Arkansas, and Minnesota, among them. “I regard the separation of the Agricultural and Mechanical College from the State University as illogical in conception, inefficient in practice, and always ...
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An award-winning, independent, student newspaper covering life at Minnesota State Univerity Moorhead (MSUM).
Nelson, Cary.Will Teach for Food: Academic Labor in Crisis,Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1997. Nissenbaum, Stephen, ed.The Great Awakening at Yale College(1972). 263 pp. Oren, Dan A.Joining the Club: A History of Jews and Yale,New Haven, Yale University Press, 1985.* Oviat...
Guest conducting included appearances with nearly every major orchestra in the U.S., including the American Symphony Orchestra, Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, Minnesota Orchestra, New York Philharmonic, Pittsburgh Symphony...
doi:10.1111/traa.12229Janelle LevyJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Transforming Anthropology
doi:10.1111/aman.13716Leniqueca A. WelcomeJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.American Anthropologist