University of Minnesota-Duluth sports news and features, including conference, nickname, location and official social media handles.
The University of Minnesota Duluth is one of the five main campuses in the University of Minnesota System (where theTwin Cities campusis the most well-known). Duluth is Minnesota's fourth largest city, located on the northwestern shore of Lake Superior. Founded in 1895 as the Normal School a...
Facebook Wilmington University Wildcats Instagram YouTube Wildcats of the week Justin PerezMen's Basketball Alex SernaWomen's Volleyball All Sports Previous SatDec14 Men's Basketball Final atCalifornia (Pa.)W, 81-74 WedDec18 Men's Basketball ...
An award-winning, independent, student newspaper covering life at Minnesota State Univerity Moorhead (MSUM).
College Moorhead|Concordia University Saint Paul|Crown|Gustavus Adolphus|Hamline|Macalester|Minnesota State Mankato| North Central | Northwestern College |Saint Benedict|St. Catherine|Saint John's|Saint Mary's|St. Olaf|St. Scholastica|St. Thomas|UM Crookston|UM Duluth|UM Morris|UM Twin Cities|Winona...
Minnesota. Concordia has a 16 to 1 student / faculty ratio, and undergraduates can choose from 49 majors. The university does well with financial aid, and 99% of students who applied for aid received some form of assistance. St. Paul (and Minneapolis) is a vibrant city, with plenty of ...