University of Michigan--Ann Arbor (Ross) Executive MBA The Ross EMBA general management curriculum focuses on strategy and leadership development for driving personal and organizational growth. The curriculum features 14 electives, including Entrepreneurship, Brand Management, Corporate Responsibili...
Michigan State University (Broad) Executive MBA The Executive MBA is a team-based, integrated management degree that delivers deep business acumen, in-demand skills, and modern frameworks in service of expanding students’ capacity to create value in their organizations and across their professional an...
密歇根大学罗斯商学院,即 University of Michigan: Ross School of Business (以下简称Ross),位于美国中部密歇根州的大学城安娜堡,是世界顶尖商学院之一,也是公立大学商学院的典范。 密歇根大学建于1817年,是美国最早、最著名的大学之一,是“常青藤院校”、全美最大的公立大学,也是全球最优秀的学术研究学府之一,拥有全美...
mba, executive mba, specialty masters, online programs minneapolis, mn, 55455 connect me from the school the carlson school of management is an esteemed institution in minneapolis, minnesota. we take immense pride in offering a wide range of academic opportunities, including exceptional...
University of Miami offers second Executive MBA class in P.R.The article discusses the move of the University of Miami (UM), which offers an Executive Master's of Business Administration (EMBA) program, to expand its course offerings in Puerto Rico.López...
University of New Mexico (Anderson) Executive MBA "The Executive MBA is an innovative and unique degree program designed for executives and leaders in a variety of industries. The cross-disciplinary courses in business allows graduates to learn and build knowledge on leadership, organizationa...
课程设置包括项目时长为2年的MBA课程,学费约为46万元人民币,以及Executive MBA、Global MBA、MBAn等不同特色项目。MBA项目强调基于行动的学习和跨学科实战项目,帮助学生将理论与实践结合。学生社团丰富,涵盖职业发展、社区服务、社交等多方面。就业方面,罗斯商学院MBA毕业生在咨询行业就业比例较高,同时...
full-time mba, executive mba, specialty masters east lansing, mi, 48824-1121 connect me from the school at michigan state university’s eli broad college of business , we inspire the future of business. broad spartans – our students, alumni, faculty, and staff – embody this ethos and ...
了解世界顶级MBA项目,ChaseDream特别介绍美国罗斯商学院——University of Michigan: Ross School of Business。作为实力派的顶级商学院,Ross凭借其深厚的学科研究实力和注重团队合作的文化深受企业界推崇,不断改革以适应新环境,让学生在学习中积极参与。位于安娜堡的Ross商学院,是密歇根大学的骄傲,世界排名...
“Michigan是一个特殊的地方,因为它拥有悠久的历史和声誉,”一名大三学生说。“那是一个很棒的学校,无论你将来获得什么学位,都会受人尊敬。” 学校招生办公布的数据显示,密歇根大学安娜堡分校每年的新生申请人数以7%的速度在增长,在2018年的申请季,增长率达到了10.6%,总申请人数达到了65684人。学校共发放了15468份...