美国公立名校密歇根大学安娜堡分校(University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)在近期宣布推出一个新硕士项目——健康数据科学硕士(MS in Health Data Science)。该项目设置在密歇根大学公共卫生学院(School of Public Health)下的生物统计系(Department of Biostatistics),2023秋为首届招生,目前已经开放申请,截止时间为2022年12月...
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It will be thrilling to watch this project come together. If Big Data really is going to change the world, the University of Michigan aims to claim its spot on the front line of the revolution.
Is University of Michigan--Ann Arbor the best social sciences and humanities school for you? Find out at US News. See if University of Michigan--Ann Arbor is ranked and get info on programs, admission, tuition, and more.
See reviews and ratings of this school from students, alumni, staff and others. These reviews are not written by U.S. News and have no impact on any of the Best Colleges rankings. Read anexplanation of user ratings. Read More Undergraduate data are based on the 2023 school year....
密歇根大学安娜堡分校(University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)是美国著名的公立研究型大学,也是美国历史最悠久的大学之一,被誉为“公立常春藤”,位于美国密歇根州安娜堡市。安娜堡作为名副其实的大学城,人员构成较为简单,多为学生和教职工,相对于周边城市来说十分安全。多年来安娜堡少有暴力犯罪事件,年平均死于暴力犯罪的少于...
University of Michigan, 500 S. State St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Founded in 1817, University of Michigan boasts one of the largest health care complexes in the world, the top university library system in the country, and some of the best computer access for students and faculty. The campus ...
University of Michigan (UM) - Ann Arbor Reviews: discover ratings and reviews left by students, the latest documents uploaded and the list of professors
University of Michigan was ranked the top value overall, with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill second. The list compares and ranks public and private institutions with an acceptance rate of 20% or higher. Money...
Michigan is a highly rated public university located in Ann Arbor, Michigan in the Detroit Area. It is a large institution with an enrollment of 31,319 undergraduate students. Admissions is competitive as the Michigan acceptance rate is 18%. Popular majors include Information Science, Economics, ...