我和it同学(同期入学)的聊天 他是两门课加一门design project (毕设)。然后他说我做毕设的那个学期也...
在伦敦,我认识了盐城少年Blake,他如今和墨大的另一位如今在香港的学长Patrick已成为墨大就业向学生的领袖;优秀的学弟学妹相继来到,当前身在新加坡的Jr.,没有人知道他的未来能走多远;将墨大的melbourne model和exchange system钻研到极致的家明,对他后来的学弟学妹们保持着无限温柔地引领与帮助;在图书馆里同度了数...
墨尔本大学主校区距离市中心比较近, 生活方方面面都比较便利, 那随之而来的就是相对比较高的生活成本, ...
A consistently high performer in globalcareer outcomes rankings, the University of Melbourne has a stellar reputationwith employers. The University helps create student-employer connections,fosters graduate employability, boasting a strong grad...
第二个专业是information system 比建筑轻松很多 然后presentation和英语写作能力提升很多 也学习到了很多新...
University of Melbourne Homepage Student information MyUnimelb Student Portal Library Contact Mailbox President:president@cssaunimelb.com Public Relation:pr@cssaunimelb.com Event:activity@cssaunimelb.com Publicity:publicity@cssaunimelb.com IT & Dev Team:information@cssaunimelb.com ...
Everything you need to know about University of Melbourne! it is a public research university founded in Australia.
在墨大不是读商科的也不是EE、IT、design的…是来读公共卫生的!Master of public helath…才来读俩...
There are many student clubs and associations at the University of Melbourne - many of which are associated with faculties and subject disciplines. There is also a diverse range of student communities. There are many sports clubs and teams that students can get involved with including athletics, ...
The university student life is reflected by the variety of clubs and services funded by the University of Melbourne Student Union. Student extracurricular activities generally come under the loose umbrella of the University of Melbourne Student Union, student sporting activities under the Sports Union, ...